Stages in Growing up: 18 months to Two Years Old

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18 months to 2 years old
Children of these stages in growing up (18 months to two years old) are full of energy.  They love to explore and to manipulate objects, and they can entertain themselves for short periods.  As their major muscles develop, their walking skills increase.  Parents should be patient and offer encouragement as they begin to develop bladder control and, later, control their bowels.

 Children of these stages in growing up begin to learn what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour as they test limits.  Constant adult supervision is still necessary, because toddlers cannot determine what behaviour is safe and what is potentially dangerous.  Small children respond well to known routines.  Something as minor as a sandwich that is cut in a new way can cause distress. 

They like being with other children although they usually play near or with a parent.  The children watch each other and often imitate each other, but without interacting.  Many toddlers have trouble making choices.  They are demanding, often inflexible, and constantly in motion.

Toddlers quickly learn to manipulate their parents through tears and tantrums.  Small children are more likely to become upset when they are tired, hungry, or rushed.  Often tantrums can be avoided when parents carefully plan routine and are clear about what is acceptable behaviour.   

When parents are overly controlling or critical, however, children can become filled with self-doubt.  Although children of these stages in growing up (18 months to two years old) can be trying, they can also be loving companions—and fun to be with.


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Stages in Growing Up: 18 months to Two Years Old  is a blog post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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Three-year-olds: Stages in Growing Up (12 Tips)

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Stages in growing up.
  1.   Three-year-olds begin to show both mental and physical independence.  They are proud of their accomplishments and delight in demonstrating them.  These stages in growing up will help develop their coordination for them to be able to ride on toy cars.  

  2.   They can entertain themselves by making simple  drawings or playing with blocks.  Their communication skills are developed enough for them to tell simple stories or repeat nursery rhymes.  Stages in growing up help the three-year-olds to be independent enough to do many care-taking activities, such as using the bathroom.  

3.   With a little assistance, three-year-olds can dress themselves (although they may have problems with buttons) and they have an easy time getting undressed on their own.

4.   At about three and a half, children may become awkward and, on occasion, stumble and fall.  They might develop stuttering or nervous habits, which could be caused by stress or insecurity.  Parents should not panic, but try to find the cause of the stress and eliminate it if possible.

5.   Children of these stages in growing up have fewer temper tantrums because they can do so many things for themselves.  Unlike younger children, who use “no” with great frequency, three-year-olds use “yes.” They have more patience about having to “wait a few minutes.” 

6.   While toddlers have troubles adapting to sudden changes in plans, three-year-olds like new experiences and are usually willing to try most of the things parents suggest.  They are increasingly more social with adults, they learn to share, and they begin to show real, and they love participating in long sessions of acted-out make-believe.

7.   These stages in growing up help kids express emotional insecurity by crying and whining, and frequently they want parents to reassure them of their love.  Three-year-olds seek this assurance through a paradoxical approach, vehemently saying, “You don’t love me.”  

8.   By three and a half, many children are jealous of anyone or anything that takes away the attention of their parents or friends.  Three-years-olds often say they want to be just like their parents.  They express love through their words and their actions. 

9.   At these stages in growing up, children might inform everyone that they are going to grow up and marry their parent of the opposite sex.  They need to be told that their plan is impossible, but reassure them that they will have their own especial person when they grow up.

10.   Parents can expect their children to inundate them with questions during this period.  Children like to give their own answers and then hear what the adult has to say.

11.   A movie, a television show, or something the child hears might cause fears that become greatly inflated at bedtime; the three-year-olds literally believe that the monsters are out to get him or her, and demand help.  When this occurs, it is imperative that the parents become understanding and comforting to the child.

12.   It is important that a child of this age learn self-control, how to behave in the company of others, and how to communicate frustrations through words instead of tears and tantrums.  Parents need to be patient and set limits.  The stages in growing up of three-year-olds need to know that their parents have confidence in them, as well as love them.


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8 Alarming Signs for Parents: Molester’s Pattern on Child Abuse

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Molester on child abuse
An abuser or molester is expected to be very witty not to utilize force to his potential victims.  Instead, he might choose to entice a kid little by little.  Child molesters are excellent in disguising themselves. For concerned parents, it’s difficult to pin point adults who may pose a danger to your kid.  So here’s the molester’s pattern on child abuse, and every parent should be cautious about these:

1.  A molester starts off by choosing his target, mostly a kid who looks vulnerable and believing.  Therefore, the child is easy to manage. 

2.  Next, he starts showing the child a special time and attention. He also can win the child’s parents and their trust.  Molesters are usually trained to honestly be interested in the child as well as the family.

3.  Over time, the molester begins planning the child for abuse.  Gradually, he becomes more physically attached to the child: he displays innocent-looking affection, tickling, or playful wrestling. 

4.  The molester may give gifts and start to isolate the child from his siblings, peers, or parents just to have time with the kid alone.  There will be times he will ask the child not to reveal some secrets to anyone especially to parents—probably the gift or some plans to go outside.  Such move sets the stage for making seduction.  

5.  After winning the trust of the child as well as the parents, the molester is well prepared to go on with his pursuit.  Once again, the molester could be subtle only about this, instead of being forceful or violent.

6.  He may likely exploit the kid’s innate curiosity on sex, offering himself as an educator, or even suggesting a special play to do together.  The molester may attempt to show the child some adult materials making such attitude to look normal.

7.  When the molester becomes successful in doing this, he becomes excited to make sure the child won’t tell to anybody about this.  He may employ various tactics such as blame, blackmail, threats, or even a combination of these. 

8.  The molester may tell to the child: “It’s your own fault.  You did not want me to stop.”  He may continue: “If you report to your parents, they will call a police and put me behind bars.” Or he may also tell: “This is a secret between you and me.  Nobody will believe if you tell about it.”  “If your parents will know it, I will harm them.”  There’s no end actually to the deceitful strategies those molesters will do to the poor child.

Sexual abuse on child remains one of the greatest damaging and deceptive problems.  Parents need to be protective on their children about molesters.  It must be their top priority to give security to children.  These tips on molester’s pattern on child abuse will give advance warnings for parents.


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8 Alarming Signs for Parents: Molester’s Pattern on Child Abuse  is a blog post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach for Training & Disciplining Children

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Stages in Growing up: Four to Five Years Old

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Stages in growing up
1.  Pre-school and kindergarten stages in growing up provide an opportunity for children to meet new people and face new challenges.  This is a time when children like learning start to develop the ability to cooperate with others.  By five, most kids have already learned to play a variety of roles. Examples: a follower of older children, a bossy leader of younger children, and a cooperative partner with a peer. 

2.  Children begin to have strong preferences in playmates and identify with people of their own sex. As four to five years old children pass through these stages in growing up, their play becomes more complex as their cognitive skills develop.  Even though they may invent imaginary friends and make up stories they insist are true, children at this stage begin to understand the difference between the real and the imaginary.   

3.  Four to five years old stages in growing up ask detailed questions that require thoughtful answers.  They also are curious about their past because hearing about their past helps them feel bigger in the present.  At this time, children become more emotionally independent and are frequently more interested in spending time with their peers than with their parents.

4.  Encouraged by their friends, 4-year-olds often consciously break rules and behave inappropriately.  With or without provocation, they might bite, pinch, hit, or kick; throw or intentionally break things; call people’s names; or use profanity.  These stages of growing up assert the children’s independence by defying parents and teachers.  Angry reactions from adults are often met with smirks and a general attitude that communicates “You can’t get me.” 

5.  Children often experience mood swings at this stage of development.  They begin to understand the concept of “right” and “wrong” but test “wrong” to get adult attention.  Parents have to choose when, where, and how to respond.  Some things can be ignored but it is imperative to react strongly and firmly to the rest.

6.  Four to five years old stages in growing up can take care of themselves in their daily routines.  They might become fussy about their clothing, and they like others to admire what they are wearing.  They enjoy helping around the house, but they usually forget to do the chores they have been assigned.  They may be very sloppy about taking care of their clothes and toys and show a disregard for other people’s things. 

7.  Concentration spans lengthen and, by four and a half, many children spend long periods building, painting, or playing dress up.  They like completing what they begin and the uninterrupted time they require should be provided whenever possible.

8.  Fears recede in intensity and begin to shift from fantasy.  These stages in growing up may worry them about the safety of their parents and the possibility of abandonment.  As children move from four to five years old in life, parents often find them to be more emotionally stable. 

9.  They are more predictable and wild outbursts generally disappear.  Almost overnight children of this age become helpful, cooperative, and very responsive to praise.  Their defiance evaporates, they want to do things the right way, and they are extremely sensitive to criticism. 

10.  Their self-concept is largely drawn from how they think teachers and parents view them.  If they haven’t been ridiculed or constantly criticized, four to five years old move through the year of developing a sense of purpose, inner control, and direction.  The goal of stages in growing up for them is to feel comfortable and capable in their world.


Tips to Effective and Successful Parenting: 4 Child-Raising Tips

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Effective & successful parenting
Child-raising is undoubtedly the most difficult job and yet the most rewarding career. Effective and successful parenting is a career in which most parents are caught not prepared. 

To improve and upgrade your parenting skills, here are 4 child-raising tips to help parents—and make your children enjoy as well:

1.   Develop the self-esteem of the child.

Your voice tone, gestures, body language, and facial expressions are imitated by your children.  More than this, the actions and words of parents influence the emerging character and self-esteem of the child.

Little praises however, will make them feel proud.  Allowing kids to do things for themselves makes them think they’re capable of pleasing their parents.  In contrast, belittling words or making comparison with other children will make kids feel inadequate. These won’t help a bit to your effective and successful parenting.

Pick your words properly and remain compassionate.  Let them understand that everybody makes a mistake and that you still care for them, despite the regular misbehavior.

2.   Catch them doing good.

Have you paused for a while and think how many negative reactions you have against your child? You may criticize them more often than giving compliments, and this is not effective. How would you feel if your boss will do the same to you, scolding you often and not appreciating your good deeds?

The most effective and successful parenting tip is catching them doing right things:  “That’s a great job! You cleaned your room without being asked.”  These words can do more motivation to the kids than repetitive reprimands.

Create a successful plan to look for things to appreciate your child’s actions daily.  Reward them generously—your hugs, love, and nice words can go far than anything else. Soon you will find your child showing the better behavior.

3.   Discipline and set limits consistently.

Effective and successful parenting includes discipline and setting limits.  The goal of it is to help the children choose the right and acceptable behavior and learn control over their impulses.  They will always test the limits you make, but those limitations are needed to understand responsibilities.

Setting up house rules help the kids know your expectations in developing self-discipline.  Here are some effective and successful rules: no television until assignment is finished, no beating, name-calling, or wounding teasing tolerated. This is the most common mistakes of parents: failure to execute consequences.  Children can’t be disciplined by talking about the rules and close your eyes for the implementation afterwards.

4.   Have time with them.   

Family eating time today is difficult for both parents and children.  But probably, there is nothing kids would like more from parents than their precious time.  Wake up 30 minutes each morning for eating breakfast together.  Or leave the plates in the wash area and take a short walk after dinner.  Kids who receive no attention often misbehave because their action (though seems bad) will be noticed by a busy parent.

Lots of parents consider it effective and successful when they schedule activity time with the kids. Plan to have a special night every weekend.  Just stay together.  Allow your kids to make suggestions about the weekend activity.  Find other ways to reach for your kids—writing a special note in their lunch box, for example.

Do you feel guilty about your child-raising style? Don’t!! If you’re a parent and you have a job, spending quality time may be a problem with you.  However, it’s the little things you say or do that result to your effective and successful parenting.  Acts like making popcorn, window shopping, cleaning the house, or playing cards will create a bond in your relationship.  

Try the above tips and you can make the most effective and successful parenting career in your family.

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Tips to Effective and Successful Parenting: 4 Child-Raising Tips  is a blog post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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    Outdated Parenting Skills: 6 Signs Your Parenting Skills need Updating

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    Have you already updated your outdated parenting skills?  Let’s accept the reality: if your parenting approach is based on the 20th century instead of today’s 21st century, you’re setting up a formula to fail in your family and parenting.   If you’re applying the outdated techniques, your parents and your grandparents used many years ago, then you and your children will not enjoy your relationship.  

    Keep in mind that all bets are off the moment a child is born.  Your kids may not be interested in your passion for music, sports, or history.  Let the kids grow to be what they are destined to be.  Don't let outdated parenting skills come your way.  As a result, a great, lasting relationship will be developed between the two of you.

    6 Signs Your Parenting Skills are Outdated:

    1.   You scream and yell frequently.  Modern children are not responsive to frequent yelling and screaming.  Before you know it, they’re yelling back at you.  It will only result to loud yelling contest between you and your kids.  It is smarter to stay cool, especially when talking with the kids.  Use your authoritative voice, but avoid screaming and yelling, you will only look like insane.  Constant yelling and screaming cannot win your child’s respect. 

    2.   You’re either aggressive or passive.  Is the kind of behaviour you’re displaying passive or aggressive. These two are outdated parenting skills to avoid.   If your kids don’t want to take out the garbage after telling him, do you show negative reaction like pouting?  You may not intend to do it, but your action shows you’re like a child.  If the kid doesn’t follow your order, tell him a consequence will be imposed. Being passive or aggressive is not helpful.

    3.   You’re not even listening.   Are you a good parent as well as a good listener?  There are times your children want you to listen to them rather than absorbing all your voice of wisdom.  Ask them if they want to listen in case you want to share your advice.  If they don’t want, tell them it’s okay and ask them you always have time to talk to them.   They’ll give you their respect and trust.  Don’t force them to take your great thoughts if they’re not prepared to listen to you. 

    4. You don’t accept it’s 21st century now. Being a child or a teenager of this generation is not the same 20 years or more ago.  They belong to the digital world now, have advanced technology and they grow up smarter and brighter.  Remember the time when a Walkman or Atari was fresh and popular?  Now they have advanced devices: laptops, netbooks, MP3 players, and tablets.  The former gadgets are considered outdated already. Now their way to communicate and socialize have gone up globally using technology and social networking websites.  Understand their present life from today’s point of view. This way you can adjust your outdated parenting skills.

    5.   You avoid the right consequences. How well your kids understand the law of cause and effect.  Each action needs a certain reaction.  For instance, if they break the curfew rules, the consequences can be depriving their video playing games or no TV watching.  As they go into the existing world, they get a consequence for being late or not following rules.

    6.   You always say “no.”  Who runs the entire home? Your kids or you?  You will create a big chaos if you always say “keep quiet” or “stop it” or “don’t” or “no.” Saying no to them follows a simple explanation.  Explain why it is “no” Use your authoritative voice, be firm, but don’t forget to be fair also.

    Parents of today need to improve their outdated parenting skills, or else their parenting is not going anywhere. Accept the fact that children are not the same more than 20 years ago.  Parenting the children the way they raised you may not be effective anymore.  Be willing to learn, improve, and leave behind your ineffective parenting approach.  Definitely you’ll decrease your stress level and create a happier family.

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    Outdated Parenting Skills: 6 Signs Your Parenting Skills need Updating is a post on Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children
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    Improving Parenting Skills on Modern Time

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    Improving parenting skills on modern times.
    Improving parenting skills is a hot subject matter to talk about.  Everywhere you look at there are blogs, articles, news, and books that promote and criticize parenting.  But what’s really important is this: upgrading parenting skills on modern time.  Parents should make every effort to become better parents. Why is this so?

    Reasons why parents must improve their parenting skills:

    1.  Parents should follow the flow of the modern generation.
    We had great parenting skills, although some were not really great. All these skills were based on yesteryears or old generations.  Those skills used were applicable to their time.  Kids during those years were different also.  Those times were simpler: kids would behave out of fear and parents governed with tough fists.

    Compared to this modern generation, kids are entirely different now.  Our children are faced with strong influences, far more extreme than the people we were exposed to.  This modern generation of kids is much quicker, faster and a lot brighter than the previous generations. Kids are very demanding from parents.  While improving parenting skills, kids test and challenge our skills, authority, and knowledge.  The economy has also changed. Family life has been changed. The amount of our job has also changed.

    Perhaps one thing that hasn’t changed is the approach we apply in parenting.  Most parents think that punishment is the most effective way to teach children.  We realize, though, that many approaches are modernized now.  Lots of these upgraded methods actually result to better parenting, too.

    Computers, gadgets, devices, and technology are updated to recent versions consistently.  As parents, we must do similar thing, especially our parenting skills.  Improving parenting skills make our principles up to date also.  This is to synchronize with the things happening in our children’s lives and the environment they live in. We should be working on the trending life of the present generation.

    Improving parenting skills takes advantage of the new technology.  Learn new tips and structure to improve your parenting skills.  Search in the net about modern parenting.  Figure out what supportive guidelines and new approaches to apply to teach your modern children.

    2.   Childhood is a test experience for maturity.

    Childhood is the phase where experiences are recorded to the subconscious mind that will be recovered later in life.  The misbehavior of a child and how he is disciplined will teach kids things about how this world operates. It will teach him how to survive in the family, how to communicate with others, and who they are.  In short, a childhood life is a trial stage for an adulthood life.

    Every parent should understand that it’s not right to reprimand, shout or penalize a kid while learning a different skill.  Parents must know it’s much better to encourage, back up, and train them to succeed.

    3. We also need some help.

    No parents enjoy having a struggle with their child.  And vice versa, no child wants quarrelling with parents.  Updating and improving your parenting skills in order to stop reacting is confusing.  You do read principles, guidelines, and tips yet they seem to fail you when you apply these. But why?

    Parents fail because these are not spread out into smaller steps.  Often, parenting specialists discuss about concepts but fail to talk about the details to implement it.  You’re not told what to be cautious about, the do’s and dont’s, and what will happen if it won’t work.  Parents are required to take every step to improving parenting skills.

    Here’s an illustration:  Parents are advised to listen to kids, give them power on a specific situation then employ natural consequences.  That is great! But is the information good enough to control reacting, yelling, criticizing, and punishing?

    Parents must understand the essence of active listening and how should it be done.  They should give the right amount of power to a child.  The child, in some extent, should not wind up feeling the he is in charge of the situation.  And parents must see how to use natural consequences instead of punishment.

    Lazy Kids: 7 Reasons to Child’s Laziness to Study

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    Lazy child to study his lessons.
    Is there any solution to child’s laziness to study? How to help him improve his study habits?  Does your child show no interest at all to hold his book, read and study?
    Unfortunately, there’s no any cure to improve a child’s laziness to study.  The only possible remedy is learning to discipline the child so that he will start doing things he doesn’t enjoy.   It is good to provide right discipline through consequences.  Give him some sort of negative consequences for all his laziness.  It could be depriving the child of watching TV, playing video games, or using the computer.  You may use this if grades become very low as a result of his laziness to study.

    How does child’s laziness to study happen?  What are their valid reasons in showing no interest to study?

    1.  Often, a lazy student is not interested to do homework.  There is no desire to learn and re-learn the lessons already presented.  The effective teaching approach requires repetitive procedures to reinforce memory retention.  For an average child or student, repeating materials over and over again is dumb and boring.  As a result, the child just tunes out this method until another new material comes along. 

    2.  For the parents, try to investigate whether the student is really bored.  It could be that he really doesn’t understand what’s going on in the first place.  Offer help to read his book and try to discover if materials are just the repetition of the former material.  

    3.  Figure out the reason why your child’s laziness to study is happening.  There must be a reason behind his laziness.  You may start probing by asking these questions:

          1.Is understanding the material hard for him?

          2.Doesn’t he know the reason why old material needs reviewing?
          3.Why this educational system not working effectively for him?

    4.  Consider also his environment.  Are there lots of distractions around?  Where is the television or computer?   What is he doing while studying?  Is his attention divided into many disturbances while doing his homework?  A child’s laziness to study happens when he lacks concentration.

    5.  If your child loves to play games, he might be interested to study when there’s visual stimulation.  RPGs are attractive illustrations that involve rich test contents as well as complicated point system.  A textbook, on the other hand, is a tedious old style approach of reading, writing and learning.  To a modern child of today, this old system may look dumb and will not catch his interest.

    6.  The child’s laziness to study may have an existing issue on his learning.  Dyslexia is one of the usual problems among young children and students. This disability shows that the words being read don’t really make sense.  The child does not see nor comprehend the words the way other children do.  Unfortunately, words do not line up properly for them.  You see words and understand them, but for them they don’t.  Check it out with their school.  As much as possible get some evaluations for your child if this issue of child’s laziness to study is connected with Dyslexia.

    7.  And finally, search about the things your child is passionate about.  If you suspect your child is extremely visual in his activities, then offer materials that have images, drawings, or illustrations.    If he’s lazy to read his textbooks, the material for him is mind-numbing without those attractive images.

    Bear in mind that even the brain of Einstein did not work exactly the way other kids did.  Even Einstein got diagnosed with impaired learning during his childhood stages. Help your kid by making necessary actions based on our tips.  Keep this in mind: if the child gets interested in his schoolwork, he will always be glad to overcome the child’s laziness to study.

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    Defiant Kids – How to Control Defiant Children

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    Controlling Defiant Kid
    Why are defiant kids answering you back most of the time?  You can hear and see defiant kids bickering all the time, with their parents or siblings.  What to do with defiant children? What are the keys to controlling defiant kids?  This article will give practical suggestions to help out parents on handling their angry children.

    Why are defiant kids always angry?

    Defiant children are always frustrated, irritated, angry, and searching for external blame.  They behave under the notion that they possess the same degree of wisdom and authority with parents or adults.  This assumption results to furious interaction with their friend, classmate, or anyone in authority such as troubled parents. 

    When a mother or a father resorts to extreme scolding, defiant kids can influence the situation.  Children are able to turn the attention on the behavior of their parents.  Defiant children are branded as uncompromising, aggressive and explosive.  Generally, their parents are afraid to set some certain limits because chaos always follows.   Underlying problems about the defying behavior may come from emotional problems of children due to fights with parents, rejection of friends, traumas, and conflicts with siblings.  The child may demonstrate defiant behavior every now and then, and he may have an Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).

    In general, expert therapists discuss that parents must have thorough understanding about their child’s angry behavior.  The process is to bring every member of the family closely knitted to each other.  Often, nobody can confirm or guarantee the reasons behind the child’s bad behavior. The development of this behavior has something to do with how the child is being raised and disciplined.  The way family members react on the defiant child really matters.

     Members of the Family and the Defiant Children

    It will be very hard for all the members of the family to truly understand the condition.  The child possessing a defiant character can generate many troubles for himself, siblings, parents, and to most people interacting with him.   Conversely, a hostile attitude will be a severe problem when displayed frequently every day.    Their behavior is obviously different when compared with other kids of similar age.  The developmental behaviors of defiant kids will potentially affect their academic learning, family, and social life.

    It is very useful to have psychotherapy for the family.  This will develop good communication in assisting problem solving.  The approach decreases negativity.  Social skills will upsurge flexibility and will develop disappointment acceptance with peers.

    Put end to your child’s defiant behavior.  Stop the bad, misleading behavior and see a child psychiatrist with many years of experience.  Controlling defiant children is actually teaching your kids to experience having more fun.  Parents should display less stress and troubles to control defiant children.

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    Morning Blues: How to Overcome Difficulty in Walking Up (For School)

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    Morning blues: Overcoming difficulty in waking up.
    It is very hard to get my 7-year-old daughter up early in time morning for her school.  Each morning I enter into her room, open the windows for her and tell, “it’s time to get up. Good morning, Stephany,” and then remove her blanket.  She would ignore my words, push me away, groan, and return to sleep.  Every day of the morning starts this way and she cries if she gets forced to get up.  It takes me a lot of pressures and annoyance even before I can send her to school. Please help.  
    Sometimes parents don’t realize how difficult it is for children and everybody to end sleep that quickly.  It’s very comfortable bending under those bed covers especially in the morning.  Your approach of early-morning wake up seems not that effective.  

    What is suggested is this: One evening, let your daughter see a wrapped box package prepared for her before going to bed.  You may label the card, “For a responsible girl who now becomes a person in charge of herself.”  Just inside the box is her alarm clock.  It’s better if you can provide her a clock radio.  This clock orders her to gradually open her eyes and consciousness making her fully awake because of the sound.   

    Music will serve as her way of disturbing her sleep, far better that the morning voice of a mother.  Make her understand that the moment her alarm clock stops, it’s time for her to leave her bed and prepare for school.  Make her a responsible daughter; let her feel how proud she is for being able to handle such vital responsibility.

    Implications made are sometimes intended to motivate the decision of day-to-day habits that require a change by possibly applying solutions.  First is to identify the root cause for sleep interruption and to find appropriate solution is so important.  If there is a situation when parents get controlled by kids, there’s a need to set up for firm and yet loving limitations for the children.  

    It is highly recommended that children should understand to work hand in hand with their parents for a positive resolution.  Children should feel responsible enough for some needs that they themselves must take.

    Morning Blues: How to Overcome Difficulty in Waking Up for School  is a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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    For Kids: How to Have Power Over Scary Movies

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    How to have power over scary movies?
    Our neighbors do not monitor what their children watch on TV.  Our 6-year-old son was playing at their house one time when they watched a monster movie.  He came home crying, and ever since he’s been scared about monsters in his room at bedtime.  He recently found out that the same movie is going to be shown every week for the next month, and he wants to see it again.   It frightened him so much the first time, and I think that would be a mistake.   Why would he even want to put himself through those fears again?

    When children repeatedly view something that is scary, they make themselves less sensitive to it.  Your son probably wants to conquer his fear of this movie monster.  Some children recreate scary movies by talking out the frightening episodes over and over again.  This verbal repetition helps them feel in control of their fears.

    It isn’t advisable to expose children to movies that will scare them.  They’ll have enough fears to conquer during childhood.  However, your child has already watched the movie, so it is already in his mind.  Because he wants to see it again, arrange to watch it with him.  During intermission or after the movie, talk about ways you might have saved yourselves from the monster.  Children enjoy imagining themselves slaying the feared monster and safely escaping.

    Some children insist on checking their rooms for lurking monster before they feel safe enough to get into bed.  If your son requests this kind of search, help him and reassure him that he is safe.  He might want to ring a loud bell in his room to chase away potential monsters.  This represents another way to take charge of the environment.

    No matter how absurd your son’s fears might seem to you, refrain from ridicule or laughing.  He needs to express his fears in order to control them.  If he feels ashamed of his fears, he might keep them secret.  Consequently, the fears could become more intense.  Help him discuss with you his fears and figure out ways to help him cope with what he’s afraid of.

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    How to Have Power over Scary Movies   is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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