SETI Goes Silent

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Slow economy hits outer space

The universe, it's been said, holds billions of galaxies.
Each of those galaxies holds billions of stars.
An unknown number of planets orbit all those stars out there,
but it's assumed there are billions of those.

That translates to billions upon billions upon billions
of opportunities to find life on another world somewhere,
but only when the economy here on earth is in good shape,
and that's not the case these days.

For the first time since it's inception, SETI,
[Search For Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence]
is shutting down those huge impressive radio dishes
that it calls the Alien Telescope Array.

Space telescopes, like the Hubble, have now discovered
more planets than scientists can keep up with,
but because the University of California at Berkley,
which runs the array, has been hit by state budget cuts,
no one will be listening for other-world signals anymore.

We're sure this will bother some folks down here on earth,
but it might be a different story... elsewhere...

SETI goes silent

News Link - SETI silences telescope array