Overweight Kids: Controlling Overeating to Avoid Being Obese

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My son is an overweight kid, a problem I never expected to happen to him.  My other two children are just fine in their weight, and I can keep their favorite food around the house just for the two kids.  The trouble comes when my obese son sees the food he goes on overeating everything he can see around.  I feel totally disturbed and I really don’t know how to deal with it.
You did not point out visiting your regular doctor to realize if your son really should be classified as “obese.”  Because you have always feared having an overweight kid, you might be mistaking a case of being a little overweight with one of obesity.  In any case, this is not easy for you, and you wish you could do something about it.

Obesity or overweight is a severe difficulty for children and for those parents who care about them.  Large children quickly discover that adults normally are sorry for them but that peers exclude them.  Being obese can obstruct a child’s capability to join effectively in a lot of activities.  The most important question is that obesity is disadvantageous to the child’s health and personality.  Some factors can be considered to control overeating:

1.   Ask your other children to purposely help you.  Tell them that you are going to buy only healthful food for snacks, and that you trust they will not complain but understand it’s really better for their bodies, too.  Prepare very good but low-calorie meals.

2.   Avoid nagging or showing disgust toward your son.  Rather, let him know how much you care about him no matter what his weight is.

3.   Try to find out a guide in his eating binges; they might happen, for instance, when he feels fed up or disappointed about his school experiences.

4.   If you can get him occupied in an activity, the problem might resolve itself.  This action could be a pastime (making models, taking care of a pet, collecting stamps—it really doesn’t matter what, as long as it makes him interested) or a neighborhood work (car washing, cutting of grass, etc.).  

       5.   And, most importantly, give an overweight kid the attention on matters not related to his predicament.

Being obese and indulging in overeating are within a person’s control.  It helps if you can apply these tips and find out how well they can work for your child!

Overweight Kids: Controlling Over-eating to Avoid Being Obese is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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