Ipads and Apps: Best iPads Apps for Toddlers

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iPads & apps for toddlers
Some children start using and playing apps earlier compared to others, because of that need, iPad apps have a variety of choices your toddlers can select from. The educational benefit of iPad apps is that they can grow with the kids.  Try to read books from iPad with your kids today and two years later, they will be the ones reading for you.

Do you have older children? You can check out the following favorite iPad apps of preschool children.

1.  Monkey Pre-schooler Lunchbox 

They are very cool.  A happy, playful monkey will cheer you up while you’re counting fruit, match cards, and put together the puzzles. You will have a reward—stickers and a happily dancing monkey, definitely.  This iPad app is very addictive.  Some screens may need the assistance of a mom or a dad to help their toddler.

2. DR. Seuss’s ABC

Toddlers may begin early to learn the ABC alphabet.  It is not easy to choose which books of DR. Seuss to purchase first, so you can begin it easy with the iPad apps.  Next, you can add probably “The Cat in the Hat.” It’s all fun clicking an object on the screen then the word appears on it.  Joined by a narrator, you will be told what it is.  This app is great for a toddler’s early reading experience.

3. Fish School HD

This latest educational iPad app is a disguising fun technique of a fish tank.  It’s brought to you by the developer Duck Duck Moose.  You can see how colourful fish will turn into numbers, letters, and shapes.  The monitor for play time is the recess of the child during his learning time.  It starts with the screen singing the alphabet while fish arrange themselves to form the alphabet letters.

4. Letters A to Z

This is a quiet and simple sequence of alphabet letters.  Suitable for toddlers as well as for parents who are pissed off with loud and violent games.  With the first glance, it seems you are to catch the letter on cards so you need to touch the images and the letters. You will hear audios reading the letters for you while the images have a little animation. This iPad app is recommended for children who are new to iPad and not yet hooked to technology.

5. Clickysticky

This app is a sticker book to your iPad along with the 4 assorted scenes to select from. This allows your kids to have creative imaginations, adventures to outer space, deep under the sea, and play with helicopters and jets.  One of the most-liked features of this is the fact that the noisy objects come from the elephant’s trumpet to silly aliens. Whhee!!!

6. Trucks: Storyboy’s iPad app edition 

This app is very attractive. You may want to keep it on your list since it’s not fast to look for apps with great masculinity in them—even if little girls love trucks also.  The app does show you an image of a truck and tell its name.  The price is reasonable and you can add it to your apps collections.  It won’t make you feel bad to delete it when your toddlers have outgrown it.

iPads and apps have the ability to make applications ideal tools for learning. Well-designed educational apps can always combine videos, texts, audios to generate something great regardless of the age of the children.


Ipads and Apps: Best iPads Apps for Toddlers  is a blog post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

Stages in Growing Up: From 6 years old to 12 (part 2)

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Stages in growing up
The stages in growing up (from six to 12) are usually on the move, going, doing, trying, and seeing different things.  Perhaps they are described as restless.  Because they love being active, they easily miscalculate how dangerous their exploits can be.  They become overconfident and, lacking judgement, have accidents.

Nervous reactions such as nail biting, twitches or tics, or finger drumming may suddenly appear.  They are usually caused by anxiety and can fade as swiftly as they appear.  Parents and teachers can help reduce anxiety by having realistic expectations and goals.  Children need adults to praise their efforts, regardless of the outcome.  In other words, the effort, as well as the achievement, needs recognition.  The environment thus created is one in which young people are willing to take risks as they try to find out who they are for these stages in growing up.

Children between six to twelve are eager to learn and are interested in a wide variety of things.  Generally, they can speak better than they can write, and they like hearing themselves talk.  They delight in repeating a story that has gory or scary details.  They willfully dominate conversations and may need some help in learning to share the spotlight.

The stages in growing up (from six to 12) have a strong desire for peer acceptance.  They might participate in sports or join clubs devoted to some special interest and thus begin forming a peer-group identity.  They usually like the stability of having a best friend of the same sex.  Together, they share secrets, interests, and enemies. They attack their enemies, verbally or physically, without realizing how devastating their words or actions might be.  Parents must maintain a delicate balance between interceding and letting the young people work out conflicts on their own.

As children identify themselves with peers, they want to dress like other members of the group and they sometimes go along with collective decisions, even when they know their parents would disapprove.  To pre-adolescents, the admiration and respect of their peers are more important than how their parents or teachers regard their behavior.  They might show off, boast, act silly, or even break the law to gain peer approval.  They seem to enjoy the shock value of using swears words, belching, and passing gas; and they roar with laughter over their blatant obnoxiousness. The stages in growing up (from six to 12) are well aware of what is acceptable and unacceptable and seem to love defying family standards.

On the other hand, pre-adolescents fear rejection by their parents as well as rejection by their friends.  This puts parents in a difficult position—they have the responsibility of keeping their children safe, of enforcing family rules, and of maintaining family values without seeming to reject or belittle the children.  During these stages in growing up it is imperative that parents maintain an atmosphere in which the children feel free to discuss their feelings. Their complaints, even when seemingly unjust or ridiculous, should be discussed, not dismissed.

If pre-adolescents are frequently made to feel ashamed of themselves, they may threaten to behave in self-destructive ways.  Threats of leaving home or harming themselves are too serious to be taken lightly.  When a youngster feels there is no hope, he or she needs professional help.  Family therapy can help the child and parents become more effective with each other.

As children pass through these stages in growing up, parents need to continually believe that there will be a positive outcome.  The hope-filled attitude will encourage everyone involved.  Undoubtedly there isn’t a more challenging job than being a parent; at the same time, there isn’t a job with more potential satisfaction and joy.


Stages in Growing Up: From 6 years old to 12 (part 2) is a blog post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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Stages in Growing Up: From Six to Twelve Years Old

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stages in growing up: 6 to 12 years old
During these stages in growing up, children may occasionally demonstrate regression behavior, such as clinging to a parent, demanding special attention, or throwing temper tantrums.  Children of this age are very anxious for peer acceptance and, as a result, try to control their immature behavior at school and in social settings.  As a result, parents and siblings are the targets of their frustration and anger.  These children are no longer predominantly influenced by their families; now teachers and peers play a significant role in their lives.  The social and academic aspects of school also influence a child’s development.

 Children at these stages in growing up, begin to learn about the test abstract ideas, such as being fair or being honest.  At first, they will often expect other people to adhere to such principles, while they bend rules to accommodate themselves.  For example, they might loudly criticize someone caught lying and then, a few minutes later, tell a lie themselves.  This testing of principles helps children learn about acceptable behavior and personal responsibilities.

A child’s fear of failure, at home or at school, can lead to an intense feeling of inferiority and can endanger his or her emotional health.  To avoid this, children must be made to feel accepted and loved by their parents, and the parents should refrain from constant criticism.  Under these circumstances, even when failures do occur, the children can keep their fragile, emerging self-concept from becoming negative or defeatist.

Children in these stages in growing up are often described as argumentative, rebellious, oppositional, irritable with their parents—and affectionate and appreciative.  Their sudden mood swings are not easy for parents to handle and it is a major challenge to remain calm, understand what is happening, and try to deal with it constructively.  Pre-adolescents generally respond well to negotiating as a means of resolving conflict.  Parents who react to misbehavior by letting their children see the logical consequences of their actions help them discover what is fair and why.


 Stages in Growing Up: From Six to Twelve Years Old  is a blog post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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iPad Apps for Kids: 5 Most Educational iPad Apps

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5 Most Educational iPad Apps for Kids  
The iPad apps for kids are used almost in everything--from watching television to online shopping for house insurance.  Children, including the adults, always find this tablet pretty amazing.  There are a number of iPad apps that are released. They make the iPad gadget one of the best educational devices designed for children’s learning and entertainment.  How can iPad educational apps help your kids? It helps kids to: learn problems on Mathematics, learn letters of the alphabet, learn things on history.  

Learn much more!!The iPad library app is an enormous application to assist kids to pick up a variety of things to learn. It does not matter whether they’re just starting to learn the letters of the alphabet or solving problems in multiplication, there are 5 most wanted iPad apps to share with your little kids:
    1   MathBoard. MathBoard iPad apps help children to develop and improve their skills in Math.  Kids can work through many solving problems varying from easy to difficult levels.  The levels are adjustable so you can customize it based on the ability level of the child. Kids will learn from their mistakes because MathBoard allows children to double check their answers. It has so far the coolest feature imitating what the real life is. The interface of MathBoard is a chalkboard.  Hence, kids can use the iPad as they would on a notebook, paper, or board.  Children will learn the power of iPad as well as the opportunity to hone their Math skills.

    2.   Math Bingo. Math Bingo is another app for Mathematics.  It brings more fun than MathBoard. Math Bingo is a game that’s so entertaining.  At the same time it encourages kids to learn more of Math basic.  It makes players to solve problems on Math to earn bingo bugs.  The bingo bugs are put on the board connecting 5 in one row.  It features games of different types where a kid can use addition, subtraction multiplication, and division.  Other functions serve as back up for many players and scoreboards.  Math Bingo is a game that gives attraction to children and makes them feel not leaving the iPad.

    3.   Oregon Trail.  Classic Oregon Trail game was previously played in basic computer.  Now, the apps have been upgraded and re-envisioned for use in iPad.  Similar to the original version, Oregon Trail makes the success of the user reliant to their own abilities to make smart decisions.  This helps kids in developing mechanisms and weighing consequences.  It provides historical perspective while playing.  It also teaches about early America.  Oregon Trail must be considered by parents to expose their children to both entertainment and learning.   

    4.   ABC Animals.  This app is geared towards basic learning.  There are flashcard where animals’ pictures guide the kids in their learning.  By giving animals their names and by focusing on the letter, kids will improve their phonics.  Children can write them on the flashcards.   The app is very basic therefore this is not applicable to older kids.  ABC Animals will help children learn the basic alphabet.   

    5.   Learn Sight Words.  This app is a Dolch-based word list.  In 1936, it was developed by Dr. Edward Dolch.  The list consists of common and simple words that kids can recognize fast.  Recognizing these sight words encourage them to do practice reading.  The reading keeps them mentally alert.  Learn Sight Words make use of attractive and colorful interface for children to independently use the app.  The purpose is for them to understand and learn new sight words from time to time while using the app.

    The amazing power of iPad apps for kids is unlimited.  By installing these apps and seeking more apps, parents have all the opportunities to stretch out that power.  Consequently, children will learn much while they are being entertained.  With today’s advanced technology there are and will always be lots of apps and tools to emerge.   The iPad tablet is a virtual school classroom for kids experience advanced learning.


    iPad Apps for Kids: 5 Most Educational iPad Apps  is a blog post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

    Stages in Growing Up: From Birth to 18 Months

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    Stages in Growing up: from birth to 18 months.
    During the early stages in growing up (from birth to 18 months) babies learn to trust their environment and their caretakers when their needs are consistently met.  Babies cry to signal hunger, pain, or discomfort, or when they are overly tired.  When adults meet their needs with attention and affection, babies begin to feel safe in their world.

    Babies need the stimulation of movies, music, picture books, colorful objects, simple toys, and a lot of chatters.  But don’t overdo it; they need quiet time, too.  The early months of life are a period of great discovery as babies find their hands, their feet, and other parts of their bodies.  As the stages in growing up continue,  babies experiment with their own sounds and try to imitate the sounds they hear. Eventually, they can imitate the words of others.

    Some of the physical milestones of development are sitting, standing, crawling, walking, and throwing things down. As babies begin to move around and discover things to play with, parents are tempted to show them how things work.  Resisting the impulse to teach, allowing children to discover as much as possible on their own is important for their growth and self-esteem.

    During these stages in growing up, daily routines provide many opportunities for children to take charge of themselves.  Usually before their first birthday children will be able to feed themselves.  When this happens, parents should present healthy food choices and let the children select what to put into their mouths.

    During the first 18 months, it is especially important that children receive encouragement from their parents during these stages in growing up.  They need to feel wanted, appreciated, and loved.  This period of a child’s life is critical in forming a positive foundation for the future. 


    Stages in Growing Up: From Birth to 18 Months  is a blog post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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