Tips to Teaching Children to Love: The Greatest Thing They Should Achieve in Life
Posted in Labels: balance love and discipline on children, Parenting, Teach Children to love· If you could persuade your little child to achieve only one thing, what would it be? Receive the top honor? Become a diplomat? Get a title fight award? Although there are endless honors and accomplishments in life, none of these could be more fulfilling than achieving the ability to show love to others. Teach children to love—this is the most important lesson they must learn and accomplish.
Instead of thinking so many extreme issues about children, this post is shared to give highlights on how to teach children to love through actions and words that should become great habits. God will and can demonstrate his love using our very own children.
Let your child be the winner of the greatest prize on earth. Find out some of the tips to teach children to love others:
Be a servant
Parents should give their children many opportunities to teach them serve other people. There is more joy in serving that in being served. Let them realize the reality of happiness coming from within instead of receiving things only. Being young doesn’t exclude children from serving. Make them involved and be part of your daily activities. You may not know you can teach an innocent kid to bless a neighbor with food. She could heal a sick adult with the bunch of flowers. Doing small services to others is a great way to teach children to love.
Say I love you
Never forget to express gratifying words of“I love you,” with or without good behavior. Make it a normal part of your living. Tell your children to get in touch with grandparents simply to say how much they love them. Before going to bed at night and after opening your eyes in the morning, tell your child how much you love him. Let parents exchange same words to each other. Everyday could be a love day for the children, parents and the whole family. Your “I love you’s” will teach children to love in return.
Always say ‘thank you’
Teach your children to love by considering the feelings of the giver. When they receive gifts or something, a smile with appreciative words will cheer up the giver. Keep practicing a thankful response for everything they receive, although gifts may not be what they like. Children can discover the real joy by saying “how thoughtful you are” to a person. Help them in creating “thank you” notes. Again, be a model by letting them hear your “thank you’s” when communicating with your spouse and other people.
Little things come from big hearts
Do not ignore the small things they can do. You can teach children to love by doing little things to others. Opening doors for the elderly, giving footwear to a tired father, singing to a bedridden grandfather—the list actually is endless. And these are only little acts of showing love. Remember, there’s no child, from toddler up, who’s too little to do great things out of a big heart.
Love your child
Lavish your unconditional love for your children, even when correcting unacceptable behaviors. As parents and adults, we should be the first ones to display love they should copy from us. Every day, every occasion is the right time to teach children to love, and probably parents, too.
Don’t say hurting words
Although this is not easy to do when a child gets hurt or angry, parents should guide their children to express their emotions in proper actions and words. The tendency when one child is angry is to say words that bring wounds to the heart. You can teach children to love by uttering good words not only when they are happy but also when emotionally upset. Explain them how bad words destroy other people as well as themselves. To get angry is normal, everyone does it, but not all can control the strong feeling. Teach them to control their extreme emotions. Learn the skill of calming down and keeping their composure.
Do you want your child to be happy in life? Nothing could be more rewarding than to teach them the common things they will be doing in life. Have plans for actions to teach children to love and achieve the greatest thing of all.
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Teach Children to Love: The Greatest Thing They Should Achieve in Life is a post on Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children
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Teach Children to Love: The Greatest Thing They Should Achieve in Life is a post on Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children
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