IQ Test : Skills and Talents Intelligence Quotient Can't Measure

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Unhappily, many parents and teachers assess a child’s intelligence quotient (IQ) on the foundation of test scores.  These tests only present information in an incomplete way of measuring a child’s brain.  More important information about the child’s brain cannot be calculated by means of one test only.  Observing the child’s day-to-day actions and activities over a longer period of time will help more in providing justified assessment of the young child’s mental ability.   

It is vital to bear in mind that an IQ test can’t measure particular talents: artistic, physical skills, musical, or human relations skills like socialization, emotional maturity, flexibility, reliability, leadership ability, and sense of humor.  IQ test can’t even gauge encouragement, task commitment, attention duration, specialized skills, interests, and curiosity of job competency.   This incomplete list may include characteristics and talents that can dramatically affect a student’s success in school and in life. 

Mind tests will compare children’s potentials for academic achievement at particular age levels.  Their results point out individual differences in intellectual capabilities.  There appears to be a parallel between high intelligence quotient (IQ) test scores and top grades in most schools.  In short, scores can be used to foretell the school’s success.  

Brain test results have been used productively in recognizing insufficiency.  From time to time, one area of academic weakness can start to wane the rest of the school experience.  Precisely assessed weaknesses can frequently be overcome during tutorial help that strengthens a child’s self-confidence and skills. 

There are some problems that need to be taken care of to keep IO tests in right perspective:  
  • First.  A precise IQ score must be derived from a number of tests, not just only one.  How a child performs in one test is affected by his or her feelings, both physically and emotionally, when taking it.  The approach of an individual administering the intelligence test may cause children to feel comfortable or apprehensive.

  • Second.  Tests may not all the time culturally fair. They make assumptions about the background of the children taking the test—that they are from the middle class homes, for instance—and thus make it more complex for children not to fit that intelligence style in scoring well.  

  • Third.  Intelligence quotient test scores are not static; they can vary by 12 or 22 points within a year.  The anticipations of parents and teachers can influence this variation.    

What every child needs is loving assistance in assessing his or her strengths and weaknesses.  No young boy or girl should suffer from feelings of insufficiency for scoring low in intelligence quotient (IQ).  There are other skills and talents that will display the child’s strong points and cleverness.  This is done by conducting broader ways of assessing the child and not merely relying on IQ test results. 

IQ Test : Skills and Talents Intelligence Quotient Can't Measure  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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