The Pressures and Stress of Modern Education System on Children

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What would be the answer if a child is asked, “Why do you go to school?”  Most likely, his answer would be, "to study". Second, when he is asked why he studies, the answer could be, "to get high scores in tests." Is this how children view the modern education system now?

Nowadays, children advance much faster than their parents did, 20-30 years ago. Modern education system is able to give tons of information to children effortlessly.  This explains the wonder of faster development via technology.  This phenomenon is standard today and not to be viewed as giftedness.

 Now, this is the big question mark.  If education is only for memorizing words from the books and scoring high in exams then this could be the best option:  Just lock the students in the class room and tell them to scan the book for their brains.  It’s a good idea, isn't it?  No, because the main purpose of education is not just mind learning.   It’s knowing and doing what they learn in order to achieve suitable personality development.

Modern education system is not pouring out a bunch of information in a child’s brain.   It is showing him a knowledge box and asking him to extract the important data from it.  

How Children Suffer from Modern Education System

In this generation, the attitude of young students about education is changing.  Modern education system teaches children but puts on much pressure of passing the exams with 90+ marks.  The stress they get from teachers, parents and peers are incomparable.  It is even much harder for some children who can’t cope up with the daily lessons and activities in school.  Often, little children are deprived of the privileges of being kids like playing and having fun.  Later in life, they’ll get the pressures of securing jobs in this competitive world. 

Such fortune of students will be persisting for long if the present modern education system prevails.  This is true if young students don’t exactly understand the value of education.  And who is to blame for this, the parents, the modern education system, or something else?

The suicide committed by the students due to the pressures of failures in the exams is no longer a suicide.   It’s a murder and the murderer is related to education?  Probably, yes.  Even if you say that some students survive and win in rigid exams, people with such comments should look a bit ahead of their future.   They leave their country not satisfied with what they have learned.  So in all ways the system of education is has something to do with it.

Certainly there is an answer to this.  If we look for the successful secrets of the developed nations, there we can find resolutions.  USA is one of the leading powerful countries and peeping into their education system we find their perfect modern education system.  It doesn’t seek for just professionals.  The kids and students are open to pick their track and go for it.  It creates talented and high-class professionals.  


Modern education system is just the product of what the present technology offers our children.  This is where we are right now and it will improve further into higher system.  Children can always adjust to advanced education although to them it’s stressful.  Children are not to compete for high academic recognitions but to use modern education system in shaping their good traits and character.  Understanding why they need to go to school will lessen their pressures.

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Children Discipline: Why Toddlers Misbehave and What Should Parents Know

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Your toddlers may misbehave; they don’t want to get dressed.  They show defiance every time you ask them to do something. Well, to bring up disciplined children is not about forcing them to do things.  Neither is it about spoiling and giving in to your toddlers.   

Correct children discipline is all about a child learning to respect parents.  They should be more than willing to cooperate and behave well.  But what should parents do in these situations?

First, let's get into the experimental psychology of little toddlers.  How can struggling parents help divert their toddler’s annoying behaviour from defiance to peaceful family relationship.  This way parents can understand better why most toddlers misbehave.

Take note of this: To help little toddlers not misbehave, understand the world around them.  They should learn to test boundaries and limits.  At this stage they are just learning to walk and move progressively.  This is the reason why they are called ‘toddlers’—they are toddling around in the world. They are just initially learning the stage on how to step and stand on their feet.

Toddlers will always misbehave for sure. They will test what are the limits and boundaries.  The moment they know the limits, they will feel comfortable within their boundary.  They can still carry on exploring but they feel more protected within these safe measures.

Now, these are the reasons why it is unhealthy for parents either to be pliable or rigid.  On the process of reinforcing the rules, the limits and boundaries, be sure that you’re giving your toddlers ways to grow up as happy children.

When Do Toddlers Misbehave?

Parents, try to understand it that when toddlers misbehave, their behaviour is healthy and normal for their age.  If toddlers misbehave, there is a general indication that 1 out of these 3 things is taking place:

First, toddlers are in need of something - perhaps they are stressed or experiencing some disconnections from parents.  Probably, they’re feeling hungry, want to pee, or they are faced with too much stimulation and they cannot relax enough.

Second, toddlers are feeling stressed or anxious - when they are tense or stressed, they cannot think and relate properly.   Since part of children’s nervous systems are strained and stress hormones are activated, toddlers do act out compulsively and almost beyond their control.

Third, toddlers just don’t know they’re doing it - perhaps they don't know the reason why there’s a need to get dressed.  Parents can explain them in the simplest way how to do it.  Let them understand that toddlers should not misbehave.  Their little understanding helps a lot.

It is very hard to think, but toddlers misbehave not because they’re trying to be bad.  Toddlers are just doing the best they can with their limited skills.  Regardless of the reason, even the sweetest of toddlers misbehave badly at certain level.  But eventually they will outgrow this stage.

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Parents Substitute -- Are iPad, Technology and Internet Good for Parenting Substitutes?

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Technology, Internet and today’s iPad have major impacts on the way our children grow up—in ways parents have never experienced before.  But isn’t this the same arguments our parents made when they thought that too much TV was bad for us? Today, more parents are saying that they don’t find any problems about technology or having an iPad.  It is rather more useful for their kids.  But how trustworthy are they to substitute genuine parenting?

A colleague says he loves his iPad, not only for his work, but also for his young children who can spend hours having fun.  The first thing his kids would ask him when he comes home is whether they can play with it.

When asked if it might be too early to let kids play with this gadget, this colleague says his iPad offers unlimited games and educational apps to boost their creativity. 

Parent’s iPad Concerns and Participation

Many parents are concerned about the impact ipad, technology and Internet have on their children. Many ban their kids from using an iPad while others impose strict controls on when and how long their children can use it.

The question is whether the arrival of this smart iPad is really good or not for children during the years they critically develop their personality.  Other parents are quite liberal because they see that technology now is very important for kids.   The earlier age their children get used to using an iPad, the higher the benefits.

However, potential exposure to unfiltered information and anti-social behavior are impacts not recognized or understood by some parents.  They need to be spelled out to determine whether an iPad is good enough or not yet suitable for children’s upbringing.

Services Technology and Internet have on Children

1.   The Internet has encouraged the young generation to be far more expressive than their elders, who grew up with speech and thoughts rigidly controlled by the state. This is true in other countries where freedom of speech is guaranteed.

2.   The Internet allows young children to learn about people in other parts of the world.  This is a privilege that in the past was reserved to wealthy kids. Traveling makes a wise person—this applies to virtual travelers now afforded to most everyone via Internet. 

3.   The Internet allows young children to learn different cultures, backgrounds and the opportunity to create interactions. Many people acquire values like tolerance and respect of others.  Those parents and children who approach this with open-minds will further discover not only about the world but often about themselves and other people.

The Internet, smart tablet and other gadgets are only some that influence children’s character much like when they acquire values from school, the environment, and homes.

There is no accurate way of saying that iPad, technology and Internet are not suitable for your growing children.  Ultimately, it depends on parents who supervise them. But one thing for sure, these are no real substitutes for a good parenting.  You can’t touch, hug, kiss and get genuine, personal interactions with technology.  Bed time stories are still best told by mom or dad, even if with the help of an iPad, technology and Internet.

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Quarreling Parents: How They Hurt Their Children

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Most quarreling parents differ with their partner’s principles on various occasions.  No one agrees on all things in this world. Disagreeing moments with each other are normal and natural in families. But how they handle conflicts with one another has a lasting impact on their children—in their emotional health, and in the decisions they’ll be making in life later.

If the husband and wife act in acceptable manner, they will know how to manage their differences in peaceful way. However, this seldom happens.

More often, either one or both parents handle their differences in unfriendly manners.  This is how quarreling parents get started and this leads to bigger family issues.

Although one spouse may be mature enough, the other aggressive partner won’t let this one to peacefully settle the difference.  Kids basically need their mom and dad.  Kids need two happy parents who are not supposed to hurt children.

Quarreling parents -- a terrifying time for children

Big family issues just started from a simple disagreement and misunderstanding.  Soon it rises up into hurting words and shouting, and these hurt the children.  Some homes have tears, others have shoving, pushing, or beating. It’s not their kids who are out of control, it’s the parents.  Parents are fighting again.

Seeing quarreling parents are even harder on the part of the kids. When one or two of the parents lose their control, it completely rocks the children’s world.  If the parents are not solid and reasonable, then the child’s security is ruined. 

Quarreling parents produce children who feel tensions and hostility. They become mentally and emotionally upset. This is observed on the kids’ faces and their body language. They tend to shrink, tremble, or hide. Some kids get nauseous, hold their breath, and start to hyperventilate. Others cry.  All of them are scared stiff.

Hurting children—is this their mistake?

Children have only a small world inside the home.  Centering on themselves, families and their limited life’s exposure, they think their quarreling parents are directly related to them.  Parents can unconsciously hurt their children.

When parents have quarreling, regardless of the reasons, most children put the blame on themselves. They perceive that the fight was triggered by them so they see their parents fighting.

Kids think that if they had been good, they would not have quarreling parents. Worse, kids internalize the struggles and develop anxiety within themselves.

Although kids can’t do anything to change the circumstances, the anxiety consumes them inside out.  Feelings of insecurities and doubts fill their world, and they begin to experience low self-esteem. Quarreling parents should understand well how their fights hurt their children.  
One important thing parents can do is to set a healthy parent relationship to display on children.  They should learn to develop effective communication and conflict resolution techniques.   If quarreling parents is the family issue at home, then kids will always chase fights in the family.  Remember: Children do what they hear and see from their parents.  Should quarreling be helpful then for you, your kids, and family?  Come to think of it.

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Stressful Family? Learn the Keys to Successful Parenting on Children (Part 2)

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Successful parenting on children has never been more significant to a family than this day.  Effective parenting forms the lives of the young people, and the way the coming generations will live is dependent on our parenting today.  We’ve learned from the past that poor parenting has always led families to much stress and confusions.  This is the most difficult job to work on.

Here is the continuation (part 2) of my article post on "Stressful Family? Learn the Keys to Successful Parenting on Children."

5.   Explain the importance of inner strength – Through constructive ways, guide them how to accept rejections, mistakes, and overcome failures - It is normal to fail and make mistakes, these things teach our kids inner strength and character.  Successful parenting helps children understand how to do THEIR best and not THE best.  It is necessary to learn lessons from every circumstance they may encounter in life—be it good or bad.

6.   Don’t give everything they want—This is one way to teach control over impulses.  As parents, we are sometimes guilty of doing this.  Tolerating this is hindering you to achieve successful parenting on children. Remember that instant gratification can’t form winning character on kids.   Instead allow these situations to help them realize that there certain limitations in everything.  They cannot get all things they want, explain in a loving manner.

7.   Place encouragement in positive views - When you motivate your children to do things especially in studies, teach your kids the importance of doing his best, instead of affirming the negative. "Study or you get punished"—this makes for a negative, short-term motivation.  Doing this is teaching your kid not to get the value of his future.  He will miss the real concept why there is a need to work hard on his studies.

8.   Teach them to be nice and helpful - Help the kids to appreciate what they have.  Teaching them to be kind and supportive makes a gentle spirit within.  Likewise, showing them to be thankful for whatever they get will produce a positive outlook. When kids see less fortunate people, tell them how blessed they are.  They are not in the same situation like others.  Successful parenting is done when children hear good things taught to them by their parents. 

9.   Involve your kids with the situation at hand (to a certain degree) - How you handle this will depend on the kids' age. Knowing the proper timing and manner how to say it is crucial. Are you having certain financial struggles? Serious marital problems such as divorce? While these are adult problems, it can be discussed with the kids to a right level. This gives them a concrete grip of reality. The key to successful parenting on children is to explain it in the least negative way.  It should not involve bitterness but rather optimism and acceptance.

Family is not meant to be a stressful life.  Today, there are a lot of guidelines online to help parents get effective family relationships.  Basically, successful parenting that deals with children involves much patience, love, and communications from parents.  The key is developing a close family relationship with children.  In the long run, they will come out as big winners in life!

Stressful Family? Learn the Keys to Successful Parenting on Children (Part 2)  is a post on Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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Stressful Family? Learn the Keys to Successful Parenting on Children (Part 1)

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The adulthood condition of a person is mainly influenced by how he or she was raised by the parents. To be successful in parenting children is hard to achieve.  This is true when bad experiences happened during the person’s childhood stages onwards. When parents have failed in giving positive attention and  nurturing ambiance, their children would seek acceptance and love from someone else—mostly from their peers.

There are backgrounds why parents have turned hostile to their kids.  Here are the possibilities. 

     1.   A child didn’t receive sufficient love and attention.
     2.   A child didn’t get positive encouragement from parents.  
     3.   A child was treated cruelly through anger and punishment.

However, with the help of today’s technology there are a variety of ways to overcome this problem.  If you want to be successful in parenting your children and help them avoid what you went through then read on. 

Helpful tips to Successful Parenting

1.   Provide positive attention and unconditional love – Successful parenting on children is loving them just as they are, not because they excel in school, sports, or show talents, but just for being what they are.  Parents should give their children attention, communicate more, show a hug and take time to listen. Enjoy doing activities with them.  Do things together—whether it's house chores or fun activities.  Kids love to seek their parents' attention and approval, whether through positive or negative behavior. If you have successful parenting on children it creates a stronger bond with your kids and they will always sink towards this bond.

2.   Make constructive approach - As kids grow, they need parents’ affirmations on what they’re doing.  This results to acceptable behaviors or habits.  Having successful parenting praises good works and achievements.  For the kids it means so much and it builds self-confidence. Support their interests and encourage them in what skills they excel.  On the other hand, if they do you wrong, don’t just scold them.  Let them know the reason why.  If parents should reprimand, do it as calm as possible and in private.  Embarrassment, especially in front of others, results to resentment and low self-worth.  The start of hostile behaviors is when parents have not been successful in parenting their children while growing up.

3.   Train your kids to be responsible - Even little kids have to learn responsibilities: picking up toys, folding laundry, doing homework, and sharing house chores.  Parents can teach them responsibility and it serves as bonding as well.  Learning responsibility is showing that kids may get rewarded for a good behavior.  Their little way of helping others pays off.  They provide motivation and empowerment.

4.   Successful parenting on children is learning to say, “I’m sorry” – Being parents and adults we are not acting right at all times.  Occasionally, an impulsive burst of anger, or a false accusation, makes kids feel rejected.  It is humility to learn to apologize to them.   At the same time, this also teaches them to be humble and do the same when they do wrong.

As parents, you only get one shot at raising your own children.  The time they have grown up wrong, kids become difficult to discipline. The greatest gift we can provide our kids is bringing them up with the right character, values, and attitude. A successful parenting you have on your children is a treasure they can also pass on to coming generations!

On Family: What is Successful Parenting on Children?  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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    Can Social Networking Websites Harm your Children's Brains?

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    At what cost do social networking websites and technology have to human relationships?  How true that these sites cause disturbing changes in the brains of parents' children?  Popular social sites like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and others are said to promote immediate satisfaction, decrease attention spans, and make children more self-absorbed.

    Approximately 250 million use Facebook to keep in touch with loved ones and friends.  They share videos, images and post regular updates about their activities.  Further 150 million have signed up to micro-blogging Twitter that allows users to circulate and exchange text messages to fellow tweeters.
    This present generation is the time where parents give more complaints. They say their children lack the skills to communicate off their computer screen.While social networking websites are extremely popular to parents and children, an increasing number of neuroscientists and psychologists believe this technology may be giving more harm than good especially to children.

    What neuroscientists believe in?
    The claims of neuroscientist Susan Greenfield will make alarming reading for the million users.  This is true for children whose social lives rely on logging on every day to their favorite social networking websites.
    The alarm is that this present technology is having brain impacts to parents’ children who are attracted by the bright lights and buzzing noises.They believe that repeated exposures to social networking websites could effectively re-wire the brains of users particularly to young children.  Experts are concerned that kids using on-line communications will affect their minds.
    Technology and internet computer games and fast-paced TV shows were also additional factors.  They know how newborn infants need continuous re-assurance that they alsoexist like adult parents.
    Computer game exposures, chat rooms, instant messaging, and social networking websites could leave this generation (onwards) with small attention spans.

    Concerns on Social Networking and Technology
    1.   Parents wonder whether genuine conversations can give way to easy screen dialogues found in social networking websites.  This could be same way where butchering and skinning animals to eat is switched to convenient meat packages in supermarkets.
    2.   There is a sharp decline in children’s ability to understand each other.  It is hard to see how this way of living has hindered brains from fully developing. Parents see teenagers spending more than eight hours a day visiting social networking websites.
    3.   Psychologists have also argued that digital technology is changing the way we are thinking now. Children do not anymore need to plan essays before writing.  How grateful we are to word processors, they do editing as they go along.  Systems of satellite navigation have invalidated the value of reading maps.
    4.   Educational psychologists believe thatparents should not allow children to use computer games until they reach seven.  Often, on-line games and social networking websites will only trigger the fight or flight portion of the brain, instead of areas responsible for reasoning.
    5.   Children's low brain development happens because kids don't engage in activities they are supposed to be do—like the traditional mind and physical activities.
    While parents and children find great benefits in technology and social networking,  it doesn’t say that these are all good enough for children.  Before kids start should doing it, they need to learn to make real interactions and develop relationships with real humans—away from machines.  What do you think parents?

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    Health and Food Tips: 7 Healthy Eating Habits for Parents

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    If we parents should make just one promise to ourselves that concerns children, it should be a life-long investment on health. Tips for effective parenting come only from parents having healthy eating habits. This is where strong minds and body come from.  Poor parenting comes from having poor health and chronic sicknesses.  Parents can only take care of their kids as much as they can take good care of their own selves.

    Being busy parents is not an excuse for not taking care of ourselves.  This is true when it comes to providing themselves with right food and nutrition.  Without understanding the healthy eating habits, parents tend to eat less and choose the wrong kinds of food.  Today, they are more concerned about their children’s welfare and simply neglect their health.  All through the day, 24 hours is given to children and there’s almost no time left for themselves. 

    Healthy eating habits all parents should develop:

    1.   Consume less meat, and buy leaner cuts.  Before eating, pick the leanest option, trim all visible fats from meat and remove the skin from poultry.  Don’t go on a crash diet; this is risky to your health.  Maintaining healthy eating habits means discipline on the part of parents.

    2.   Never assume that a fat-free or low-fat label indicates the right food diet.  These labels do not necessarily mean the product is also low in calories.  Also, watch out for sugar and sodium content.  Since fat plays a big part in making foods taste good, sugar and sodium may be added to make up for the lack of fat.  By going fat-free, you may take in excess calories, which are eventually converted into body fat.

    3.   Healthy eating habits help parents keep blood cholesterol levels.  Eat more oats, carrots, chick-peas, and soybean foods.  Use lots of garlic in your food.  This powerful clove keeps down blood pressure, cancer, infections, and diabetes.

    4.   Take time to chew your food, as this prolongs eating and gives you the feeling of fullness.  It also aids digestion and helps you savour the food fully.  If you must reach for seconds, wait for 20 minutes after you’ve finished the firsts.  It takes that long for your brain to know that your stomach is full.

    5.   Drink a full glass of water before a meal, and another one during the meal, even when you’re dining out.  This aids digestion and makes you feel full.  The healthy way to eating habits is avoiding salty foods: anchovies, smoked fish, pickles, capers, luncheon meats, salted snacks.  Use honey only if you prefer its flavour.  Honey is no more nourishing than ordinary sugar.

    6.   Eat potatoes for Vitamin B and C, minerals and protein.  The potato has the undeserved reputation as a fattening food.  However, it is the butter we use when we eat baked potatoes that add up the calories. Whenever possible, eat the skins of the fruits and vegetables.  You get the most nutrients that way including the roughage you need.  Including fibers make healthy eating habits important for parents. 

    7.   Cut down on bacon, ham and other treated meat products.  They contain sodium nitrate and nitrites are widely believed to be cancer-causing.  Neither excessive fat consumption nor fat phobia is good for parents healthy eating habits.  We have to get the pendulum back to the middle where there is a place for some fat in our lives.

    Above all, remember that balance, variety and moderation tips form the basis of a healthful diet.  These are the genuine, healthy ways to all eating habits parents can do.  They need to get out nutrients from each food.  This means 50 to 55% from carbohydrates, 15% from protein, and 25 to 30% from fat.  Parents should learn to eat these without having guilt on themselves.

      Modern Parenting – 4 Tips on How to Balance Love and Discipline on Children

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      Parenting is a huge obligation.  Most frequently, it is troubled with apprehensions.  It involves more on emotional aspects starting from fears to difficult anger management.  To balance love and discipline on children is a long-life process and very upsetting.   No matter what the situation, parents are supposed to turn big troubles and chaos into peaceful and loving atmospheres.  Unfortunately,  this technique is not learned in school.

      No parenting styles prove to be more provoking, challenging and guilt-laden than to balance love and discipline on children.  If parents are too lenient, the child would simply run all over them. If parents are very strict, they can crash their child's spirit turning into fuming rebellion. There is only one key that helps:  a balanced management depending on the child’s personality.

      What it takes to Balance Love and Discipline

      1.   See it through the end.  Having virtues is not a default setting in our children.  It is an obligation of the parents to see this thing through.  What should well-adjusted adults look like, and how can they get there? Look for ways to encourage honesty, kindness, and integrity.  It is an involved, intimate process, and there are no shortcuts to balance love and discipline on children.

      2.   Set specific ground rules.  Be steady in your reinforcement.  It is the parents’ job to draw the proverbial line in the sand and tell their children, "On this side of the line is disobedience, and on this side is obedience. Don’t cross the line." Write the rules down, if you must, and make certain that your child understands what constitutes disobedience. With younger children, rehearse the rules. Once you know that your children understand the house rules, as well as the consequences for breaking them, it is vital that parents be prepared to carry out the consequences—all the time.  This is to help balance love and discipline.

      One mother says, "Our kids do understand that lying won’t be accepted. If they have done wrong and they lie to us, there is a double punishment. It only took a couple of times to test us.  Today, they recognize the high premium we put on honesty.  And I have applied ways to balance my love and discipline for my children.

      3.   Make punishment suitable for the offense.There are more tools in a parent's disciplinary toolbox than scolding, yelling, and spankings.  Consequence is a teaching tool. If you forget that fact, you may miss out the teachable moments and opportunities for growth. Many annoyed parents have wondered if their son or daughter suffers from lack of common sense. Frequently, children inevitably do things that parents consider as offensive disobedience.  It is necessary to cherish the kids in an atmosphere that will balance love and discipline on young children. There is a big difference between childish irresponsibility and deliberate disobedience. Part of a parent's job is to tell the difference between the two.

      4.   Show love then explain the punishment. In a child's mind, he makes mistake in taking frustration, anger, or disappointment of parents for loss of love.  It is for guidance, correction, and ultimately for his benefits.  Punishment is not just to make him sad. Explain the purpose why there is a punishment.  Let it be known that punishment is designed to balance love and discipline for your child. Embrace and kiss him later. If your support is a sweet thing, your child will treasure it often.

      The key to balance love and discipline on children is to understand that both are inseparably related to each other.   As responsible parents, we train and discipline our children out of love.  Parents are like a gardener cultivating the blue ribbon roses.  It is never fun to trim thorny roses, but it is essential to enhance the plant to its full potential. 

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      Should Parents Allow Children to use Mobile Phones

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      Are mobile phones for children a help or a risk?  Is allowing kids to use mobile phones harmless?  Is there a need for parents to allow children to use mobile phones?  While kids can have good benefits, there are also some effects on kids' lives if they own these units.  For some, having mobile phones may cause health problems and effects on their mental and physical health.

      Welcome to our Digital World!

      As time goes on, a human life’s state consistently changes. Before, cell phones were only used by high class people.  It was regarded as something extravagant. Parents did not allow their children to get mobile phones. Then gradually, average men like vendors or cobblers started to own mobile phones.  Today, even young kids in schools are busy texting and communicating using their phones.  Small kids as young as 7 and 8 years old get their own units of mobile phones.

      Nowadays, there are manufacturing companies that design particularly mobile phones targeting young children as their market.  Parents can now let children to own mobile phones to display their favorite cartoon character images.  Businesses do this to capture the attention of kids and then increase profits. Kids have become the target users of the latest mobile phones in this generation!

      Effects on Children

      For most of the school kids a mobile phone is a status symbol for them among the other peers. The latest and more stylish the mobile phones the better for them as the units add to their prestige among schoolmates and friends. As many parents permit their children to use mobile phones it brings about many unwelcome changes in their way of living. There are many kids who have been obsessed with using mobile phones. They constantly check messages. They spend most of their time on the phone.  And according to studies, keeping in constant contact with people can become addictive.

      Health Threats of Mobile Phones on Children

      Studies show that mobile phones can only be given to kids who are sixteen years old and above.  Young people below sixteen still don’t need the units as their brains are too sensitive to bear the radiation effects.  Tissues in the brain and body are still developing and radiations may result to cell damage resulting tosevere health issues. Adults also get affected by radiations but it will be more severe in children because of increased radiation absorption levels. Experts also say there is a connection between the use of mobile phone and childhood cancer.

      Advice for Parents

      There are high chances of misapplications if parents allow children to use mobile phones. Little kids may receive and send unpleasant messages and images.  They may always have access to restricted websites.  We live in an unsafe world where so many terrible incidents happening against our kids. Parents need to ensure safety measures for their children.  They need to warn and keep them aware of the various mobile phone wrongdoings.  At times, it is more likely for kids to get stalked by strangers over the phone.  Parents must take a post-paid connection and check regularly the mobile phone bill.

      Although there advantages of kids who use mobile phones, there are more opposing effects to our little children.  But, more and more experts warn the people about the negative and disastrous effects which  mobile phones may bring on the mental and physical health of kids.  Now, is there really a need for parents to allow their children to use mobile phones?  The answer lies on the parents’ decision.

        Unconditional Love of Parents for Children: Overcoming Anger, Criticism and being Strict

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        In this present time, still there’s one brand of family love that is able to satisfy your children, make you whole and make you happy—unconditional love.  It doesn’t change despite the modern generation we now have.  It conquers anger, criticism, and being strict.  It’s all about genuine caring of parents for children with no thoughts of getting something in return.

        Accepting children as they are is something parents must do.  Control is not essentially a conscious act.  As parents, you may consider you’re giving unconditional love to your kids but if their compliant personalities make them feel controlled by your anger or criticism, you must be the one to change.
        Never assume your kids already know you love them.  Always demonstrate “I love you” in words and actions.  Keep speaking good to your kids, especially when it is in the power of your hand to do it.

        The Power of Unconditional Love

        1.    Unconditional Love Controls Anger – Find out right ways to cope with your anger so you won’t become abusive to your children.  Never sort to anger to get the kids obey you, although it works.  This is a control mechanism, and control is offensive and abusive.  Learn to recognize the warning signs of anger.  In case you lose your temper, parents should take the courage to apologize to their children.  Explain that your deeds have nothing to do with your love for them.  You love them as they are.

        2.    Unconditional Love Stops Criticizing – Parents, never excuse yourselves by calling it “constructive criticism.”  Criticism is embarrassing and unhealthy.  It results to low self-worth to children.  Over time, it can turn love feelings to resentment.  Why not catch your kids doing good things and affirm their actions.  Instead of criticizing, why not provide compliments, caring touch, words of support and encouragements to your children.  It works far better than constructive criticism.

        3.    Unconditional Love Lightens up Restrictive Nature – You don’t need to control the whole world—or run the lives of your kids.  There’s no need to remind frequently about their mistakes and what to do.  If parents keep commanding, demanding, and bossing them around, it will empty the kids’ love cups.  Instead be kind to say “How do you feel about that?  And what do you think about the situation?”  Listen to them twice as much as possible.  Learn to be a convincing person, not a forceful parent.

        4.    Unconditional Love Monitors your Expression of Disappointment.  Be sure your expectations of others are achievable as well as realistic.  Make clear that your acceptance of them is not performance-based.  Little kids are longing for the approval of their parents.   But mostly, a look of disappointment, a shake of the head, deep sigh, and a frown from parents are painful wounds.  They signal disapproval and failure.

        5.    Unconditional Love Allows Children to Decide.  Support your kid’s autonomy.  Bring them into decision making.  They way children make decisions is building their own self-worth, confidence and power.  Let them decide unless there is a reason for parents not to allow them.  Surely, children will feel better about themselves.

        Next time, don’t allow your high standards get in the way of a love-based relationship.  What your children need from you is one thing—unconditional love.  Wave the rules within the family.  Be flexible.  Get rid of anger, criticism, and being strict.  Respond positively to family members and your life as parents will never be the same!

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        Common Mistakes when Parents Teach: Not Knowing the Learning Styles of their Children

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        Are there really children who are slow learners and fast learners?  Why some of them learn better and even faster than others?  Is our modern education more complicated now that children find it more difficult and boring?  You may think that your kids are hard to teach but it may also be that you are missing the right study approach and style?

        In reality, no magical tools are needed to be able to develop good study habits. Unfortunately, only few children are trained the easy way of learning. So, not all can learn and study the same way that applies to others.

        Study pressure on children is something parents do for the good of the child but they may not realize the harmful effects they have on kids. 

        Discover your Child’s Learning Styles

        While some children require absolute silence to review and study, other kids study better in an environment with bouncing ideas. Others may learn fast by listening or by reading. Depending on the child’s ability to learn, his study skills should be developed based on his own learning style.

        Learning should be fun and not a burdened routine for kids—that’s the secret.  The largest mistake parents do is to force their children to learn fast.  Without knowing it, parents may be applying learning approach which is opposite to the child’s learning style.  When parents use this, it would be a waste of much time, effort and energy.  Worse, the child may only learn less.  On the other hand, using the appropriate learning style will shorten the hours of study but with great output. This is the big difference. 

        Parents, be advised that you can do it easy on yourself. Ask this simple question: Is my child’s learning style:

        1.     auditory – learn by hearing, asking, discussing

        2.     visual – learn by seeing, reading, watching

        3.     kinesthetic – learn by hands-on 

        After discovering this, then develop it and the learning process would be a lot easier for both of you.

        I Don’t Know the Learning Style of my Child

        What if parents don’t know what type of learning style their kids fall into? Well, recall all those teaching nights you’ve spent together in their academic homework. Sure, there were ways that have been easier for you while reviewing and teaching assignment and projects. That is their learning style. Gradually help them improve those study skills tailored to their unique style of learning.

        What children need for today’s education are strong study skills to attain success in school.  It wouldn’t be sufficient to simply sit in a classroom and then expect to absorb all the lessons.  Parents should help children discover their unique learning style.  The secret here is that the earlier they develop this learning style, the better their possibility of academic success.

        If parents can only be aware of this, what a wonderful study life it would be—for children and parents.  Kids will get higher grades and may even excel in their academic subjects. Go and try these tips the next time you teach your children.