Facebook & Kids: Know Its Social Networking Benefits

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If you’re a parent, have your kids always been fighting with you because of a computer or a laptop? Do they disturb you while using your online Facebook account pushing you away and doing all to sit before the laptop.  Then they begin to log out your account and log in theirs.  Most of the time, both of you end up having a fight.  Worse, your child seems smarter than you are in using technology and Facebook.

Having a Facebook account for children is a big issue, and it’s getting harder and more complicated.  Based on the rules, a child who is below thirteen (13) years old is never permitted to create his or her own account.  Actually, making an account for someone who is thirteen below is definitely lying.  This thing has never been imposed and multitudes of children across the world can’t just be stopped working on this.  With or without their parents’ approval, they join and have fun logging in to this well-known social networking.

Creating an Account

There are lots of cases where parents or guardians do initiate the creation of a Facebook account for their kids.  The reason is they perceive many good opportunities to educate their sons and daughters.  They can train them about the proper and improper way of using social networking.

This is a good occasion that won’t be around the moment kids turn 13 years old and begin using Facebook for themselves.  There are, however, many parents that keep the password for themselves in order to control the unguarded exploring moments of their kids.

If you think you are confused whether or not to allow your child to have Facebook social networking, we got some few helpful guidelines about its benefits:

1.   Early learning development -- Most often, teens and students will take advantage of the social network to talk about school’s work, projects, and activities.  Sharing of thoughts and ideas that concerns homework is the biggest reason why they can allow their children to use Facebook.

2.   Ability to express what they know, feel, or understand -- A Facebook account contains a home page on the web—a page where children can communicate and express themselves independently.  They can also discuss about their activities and sort of interests. They can freely form and join a group and give support to fan pages.  They can find what other children of their age are interested in.

3.   Skills in social networking are developed -- Their Facebook account allows them to keep in touch with current, old, and new friends.  This is one of the fastest ways to introduce themselves to others and find additional friends.  Using it in the proper way, social networking experience will boost the child’s self-esteem and guide them not to experience loneliness.

4.   Enhanced digital capability -- Facebook pages will train up kids how to respond and give comments, upload images and videos, and navigate the website.  Having a great experience on-line will increase their social media skills which are very important elements in life as they grow up and mature.

As Internet, Technology and Facebook continue to influence children’s lives, parents can’t help but let their kids use it to their advantage.  Preparing them for new technology era is paramount to educating them how to develop friendliness, social living and computer know-how.

Facebook & Kids: Know Its Social Networking Benefits   is a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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Seven Issues Toddlers want to Tell their Parents

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Little toddlers may appear strong, but they are really not, they are still weak and  fumble most of the time. They've always wanted to tell many things to their parents but are unable to do so.  This article speaks some of those toddler's secrets.

Find out what are those issues their parents should realize:

1.    I got a very limited attention span.  A toddler who wants to get something on the shelves is not really destructive.  He is just being inquisitive.  It is true, it is fun to see and talk with your friends when you see them in the mall, but your toddlers are not that interested. They would better go off, wander around, test, explore, observe and touch. 

2.    Strangers can make me feel afraid.  Only few children will appreciate being passed from one lap to another lap.  They precisely are not comfortable with this scenario.  They want to know little things first about new people before they will enjoy their company.  Be careful of this:  Avoid forcing toddlers to be entertained by strangers right away.  It takes a little time to adjust and make them feel at ease with those strangers.

3.    I am a small kid, not a trained house pet.  “Come on, sweetie, say ‘Harry Potter.’” “Show Ms. Zander how you sing and dance like Lady Gaga.”  “Now, you mimic Justin Bieber, and sing “Baby,” and it goes on and on.   These and other performance-on demand statements will position your toddler in a rigid condition.  There are children who get excited doing these.  Others hide and shrink away, receiving threat of being scolded.  Never push the young child if he falls in the second group. Put yourself on their shoes.

4.    Avoid comparing me with my fellow toddlers.  Toddlers are individually unique and so are their fellow children.  Some may learn faster than the others.  Others may speak words before they turn one year old.  Others may take longer.  Toddler’s improvements are not for competition.  They exclusively have their own time and abilities to improve.

5.    Not everything you give me makes me happy.  Every child needs a variety of toys, food, clothes, etc.  To anticipate that they like everything you give them is foolishness.  Forcing them to eat certain food they hate the taste will only give way to a more difficult problem.  If they don’t care for a certain toy, choose another one. 

6.    Kindly treat me with love and care.  Toddlers need gentle emotional handling.  Children are sensitive and if they are not treated with love, they will always show tantrums, yelling and stubbornness, even fear.  They won’t even know if they are sick, lonely, tired or not feeling well.  They can’t express the strange thing they feel except when they’re hungry.

7.    Let me act according to my age.  Keep in mind that they are just past babyhood.  They are not able to do what adults do. Parents should guide and not force them to go to the next level.  Ages two, three and four should be enjoyed with great fun. What they want from their father and mother is to play with them and spend quality time.  This is the true meaning of love they understand.
How toddlers grow fast! They don’t remain little kids forever.  Sooner or later they’ll be in kindergarten and preschool.  What only remains in your life as parents are memories of their fun-filled toddler age at home.  Enjoy them fully now while they are with you--all the day, every hour, and every minute!

Further topics to read on:

Quarreling Parents and the Bad Effects to Their Children

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Many husbands and wives are quarreling parents; they lose their patience easily.  They always end up into enraged emotional fights and shouting.  Without any intentions, quarreling parents showing the scene in front of the children will harm the latter’s mental condition.  Little kids generally are very sensitive that’s why it’s easy for them to get affected by their parents’ warfare.

Think about the Children

Marriage displays its ups and downs, very similar in a normal relationship.  Marriage is no bed of roses. Quarreling parents occasionally is a vital part of this game.  They may ignore their parenthood when it comes to fighting each other.  They throw devastating words reciprocally that hurt both of them. Worse, guiltless children are not spared of this psychological and emotional effects resulted from the fight.

Children basically are receptive, very sharp-eyed and alert.  They are fast to pick up about pressures and tensions.  Despite this, young children are not yet ready to grasp things realistically.  They are not smart at identifying the cause.  Hearing loud yelling and slamming the doors, they wonder, “is it because of me?”

The world of children does revolve in the activities of parents.  A father and a mother serve as protection and security for the young.  Supposedly, they must give constant sense of confidence that their love is unsinkable.  Grumbling of hostility between  quarreling parents will leave a feeling of insecurity to children.  They find feelings of uncertainty and think whether the fight has something to do with them, the children.

Tips for Fighting Parents

Here are some tips parents need to consider when fighting:

  1. Do you want people to watch your embarrassing fight?  Put yourself in the shoes of your little children.

  2. Take time, each of you, to calm down before talking about the big problem.  When dealing with anger, counting 1 to 10 is a proven effective technique.  Never settle a dispute when angry.

  3. It is not helpful when the two you would fight by fire.  Voice raising, door slamming, or putting blame on the other partner will aggravate the situation.

  4. If issues need to get resolved, wait until the children are asleep.  Never let them hear quarreling parents and what is it you’re fighting for.

  5. In case you have big fight in front of them, let kids understand that they are not to be blamed on such condition.  Explain further that sometimes parents fight, but still they love each other.

  6. Explain that losing your temper is a work of mistake, and that there are many things said that both parents really don’t mean. It happens because they’re both angry.

  7. Do your best as parents to reconcile as soon as possible in order to display unity and normal front to the children.

Fighting as couples is normal and it happens in every family.  However, to fight positively matters most especially when there are innocent eyes and ears witnessing the scene.  Would you still be quarreling parents and couple fighters?  Sure, you will.  But next time, make it right and spare your children from the harmful effects!

Quarreling Parents and the Bad Effects to Their Children  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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How to Impose Right Discipline to children

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Discipline is not a way to keep children controlled, but an approach to keep them practicing the right self-control. Discipline is best acquired through the adult’s and children’s interaction. This interaction is the opportunity for the adults to give guidance and show the role of good models.

One of the hardest areas of bringing up children is discipline. More often, parents come across situations where imposing it is much needed. Sometimes this happens every few hours. But what kind of attitude parents have toward disciplining their kids will result to the family’s emotional condition.

Your approach  and the way how you carry this everyday leaves tremendous impact to the young people. It influences how children should eventually think and feel about themselves.  Therefore, it’s worth putting your energy and time to make this approach effective.

Goal of Discipline

Basically, there is a simple question on this: What is the purpose of imposing discipline to your kids? As parents, you should know what it is you want to achieve. What do you need to plan in order to get there?

As children become dependent on their own attitude or internal controls, these young people start developing self-discipline. It is hard to agree with them about the behavior they may have developed, especially if it's not what the adults like. However, parents should help them see, in a loving way, what kind of manners their offspring should build up.

Punishment as Discipline

Is using punishment proper to discipline or to change children’s unpleasant behavior? Is it really good doing it? Certainly, parents use this because they desire their kids to change for the better. This is to help them move from bad to proper self-controlled interactions.

Normally, punishment consists of adults imposing something on their kids. There is an attempt to put into effect strict and established family rules. This is a kind of counterproductive style. This will encourage children to test the limits, while behind the parents’ backs, they break these rules.

Punishment will make children behave properly when parents are around. Kids want to keep away from being punished because they fear the consequence if they act badly.  However, when away from their parents, they may pursue the inappropriate behavior.

It doesn't help punishing children to acquire proper discipline.  What they need is clear understanding of what right and bad behavior is.  Discipline is educating and training them, and not punishing. The best demonstration is to display the kind of attitude we parents  want our children copy from us.  By doing it everyday, in words and deeds, we are sure we're giving them the best discipline they need.

How to Impose Right Discipline to Children  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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      Fast Food: Burgers, Fries, Pizzas Make Overweight Kids

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      Today, our society is filled with overweight kids because of the different fast food restaurants that cater both to parents and children.  Food specifically is their nature of business.  As years go by, more and more are launched in the market and children from all sorts of life try to take advantage of what they can offer them.

      Fast food restaurants may promote instant food to eat, but how safe are they to promote the healthy lifestyles of your children?  Sad to accept that burgers, pizzas, fries, hotdogs, sodas and other children’s favorites are not healthy foods, although kids may consider them most delicious.

      Findings about Overweight

      What these restaurants claim is that their products are not the major source of overweight kids.  Whether there is truth to this or none, still the concerned parents are the ones in charge of their children’s health. Consider the  following:
      • A new research shows that children who eat instant-cooked food tend to eat larger amounts of food the whole day.  They become overweight kids because they eat more than what their body needs. 

      • Statistics shows that on a given day, approximately 1/4 of the children in a particular country would eat in these restaurants.  This involves the young boys and girls in every race and cultural group.  It includes all the regions in the nation.

      • In just one whole year, young boys and girls are able to increase their weight to about eight more pounds.  This is because of the high cholesterol contents eaten in fast food restaurants.

      • The sugar, salt, fat contents do attract the children like a magnet.  The tastes are appealing to the kids as well as the appearance and the smell.  They satisfy children's cravings.

      • The great taste is the triggering factor to every child including their adult parents. The small amount they consume will enhance more cravings for indulgence.   It promotes more eating in the afternoon until evening. 

      Deprived of Fruit and Vegetables

      Since the choice of food does not include enough fibers, the children will not feel full immediately.  Consequently, they tend to eat larger amounts for the rest of the day. Foodstuffs consumed will compromise the children’s diet in general.  Better options like fruit and vegetables are ignored and they play only a small role in children’s overall food nutrition. Depriving your children with the right food will develop obesity and weight-gaining problems.

      Pizzas, burgers, fries and other similar food have the highest chances of making overweight kids if eaten beyond control.  Remember, the lifetime health of the kids start at the very young age, so be aware how you, parents, feed them every day.

      Will Tablet PC's, iPads Replace Children's Books?

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      Are netbooks, laptops and even children’s textbooks and notebooks going to be obsolete? They're here, the modern tablet PC’s which are fast increasing and getting much better—in quantity and quality.

      This present time of tablet PC's marks the higher innovation of technology.  iPads are now turning into a popular icon that gains the interest of parents especially schools in USA.  The reason for tablet PC's is due to some unique features that may probably substitute every recognized information media very soon.

      Although it could happen anytime, institutions have some issues to be addressed before the implementation of iPads becomes a reality.  In children’s education and in the school, we should realize the pros and cons of using iPads. Is it really worth it?  Will or can tablet PC's truly replace the traditional books and notebooks of your children, not sparing laptops and netbooks?


      1.  iPads possess the ability to load reasonable amount of huge information.  They provide the convenience, portability and easiness device which is virtually similar with a desktop computer.

      2.  They may serve as a momentary replacement for various complicated data including student’s books.

      3.  iPads resolve the problem of carrying many and heavy textbooks and notebooks.  Students will find it most comfortable in space and weight.

      4.  iPads can digitally install multiple books in each school subject.  Children can do intuitive writings.  However, a practical keyboard is most preferred to use.

      5.  Tablet PC's are threats to the existing laptops, netbooks, and other devices when it comes to convenient use.  Typing word documents in iPads are done similarly in common laptops.


      1.  The hype of tablet PC's is good yet it might be functional for the next generation to come.  If children and schools use them now rather than the books, they may result to unexpected setbacks until the development is completed.

      2.  There are issues among parents and institutions. It’s doubtful for many schools to have budgets to purchase an iPad for every student. It takes time to motivate parents to buy for their children an iPad intended only for school’s use.

      3.  iPads regarded as “technological education from heaven” are issues among most professionals in the education field.  It is not believed that tablet PC’s will advance the system and quality of education.

      4.  Present technology is only a supplement for a better education and not to replace the usual school’s books and notebooks.

      5.  Presently, laptops have more advantages when it comes to usefulness and features.  Since iPads have just started recently, they are yet to be completely developed.

      In conclusion, iPads could be used as a device to a certain test period at the moment.  Extensive activities are required to anticipate their usefulness.  Ample time is needed to see how effective tablet PC's are to education, teachers, parents and children.  They cannot be for mandatory tools for learning yet.  Freedom of preference is still needed for ipads to be used in educational technology system.

      Will Tablet PC's, iPads Replace Children's Books?  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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      IQ Test : Skills and Talents Intelligence Quotient Can't Measure

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      Unhappily, many parents and teachers assess a child’s intelligence quotient (IQ) on the foundation of test scores.  These tests only present information in an incomplete way of measuring a child’s brain.  More important information about the child’s brain cannot be calculated by means of one test only.  Observing the child’s day-to-day actions and activities over a longer period of time will help more in providing justified assessment of the young child’s mental ability.   

      It is vital to bear in mind that an IQ test can’t measure particular talents: artistic, physical skills, musical, or human relations skills like socialization, emotional maturity, flexibility, reliability, leadership ability, and sense of humor.  IQ test can’t even gauge encouragement, task commitment, attention duration, specialized skills, interests, and curiosity of job competency.   This incomplete list may include characteristics and talents that can dramatically affect a student’s success in school and in life. 

      Mind tests will compare children’s potentials for academic achievement at particular age levels.  Their results point out individual differences in intellectual capabilities.  There appears to be a parallel between high intelligence quotient (IQ) test scores and top grades in most schools.  In short, scores can be used to foretell the school’s success.  

      Brain test results have been used productively in recognizing insufficiency.  From time to time, one area of academic weakness can start to wane the rest of the school experience.  Precisely assessed weaknesses can frequently be overcome during tutorial help that strengthens a child’s self-confidence and skills. 

      There are some problems that need to be taken care of to keep IO tests in right perspective:  
      • First.  A precise IQ score must be derived from a number of tests, not just only one.  How a child performs in one test is affected by his or her feelings, both physically and emotionally, when taking it.  The approach of an individual administering the intelligence test may cause children to feel comfortable or apprehensive.

      • Second.  Tests may not all the time culturally fair. They make assumptions about the background of the children taking the test—that they are from the middle class homes, for instance—and thus make it more complex for children not to fit that intelligence style in scoring well.  

      • Third.  Intelligence quotient test scores are not static; they can vary by 12 or 22 points within a year.  The anticipations of parents and teachers can influence this variation.    

      What every child needs is loving assistance in assessing his or her strengths and weaknesses.  No young boy or girl should suffer from feelings of insufficiency for scoring low in intelligence quotient (IQ).  There are other skills and talents that will display the child’s strong points and cleverness.  This is done by conducting broader ways of assessing the child and not merely relying on IQ test results. 

      IQ Test : Skills and Talents Intelligence Quotient Can't Measure  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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      How to Help Children Develop their Minds

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      Parents for sure have the tremendous influence when it comes to developing the minds of their children.  Parental influence should start at birth, and then the progress is never-ending.

      Infants would benefit a lot from fathers and mothers who always talk to them and attempt to make themselves being understood.  A child’s verbal skills are increased more during this exchanging process.  The mental development receives help from the stimulation of the environment by utilizing support and love coming from the parents.   It is so significant that children would believe in their ideas.  Simple ideas that convey effective communication and meaning to people they get in touch with.

       There are instances that parents can harm the child’s innate search for knowledge.  One way is by filling the home with stressful quiz shows.  If little children believe continuously that they should provide right answers, then to please the adults will cloud the excitement of learning.  It is not because they enjoy discovering new things that satisfy them, but rather the kind of response the adults show becomes the basis.

      Parents must give motivation for the process of figuring out and searching for more than one answer to a similar problem.  Such exploration shouldn’t be stressful in order to help children understand that learning is fun.  One situation will not only get one acceptable answer.  For sure there are other appropriate answers that may help in a certain situation.

      While children need parents who are involved in their activities actively for their mental enhancement, they should also need to explore on things by themselves.  This is for self-discovery.  Unknown to us, little children can spend many hours making their own intellectual experiences.  This is a great tool to encourage their mental development ability.

      As a family, it is the utmost concern of all parents to give the best mental development for their children.  Keep in mind, though, that it happens not only through the efforts of parents.  It also occurs when we allow them to grow through their own endeavor and explorations.  That’s why loving parents should always be there to guide and support.

      How to Help Children Develop their Minds  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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          All-Time Parenting Styles: Which One is the Most Effective?

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          There are still four popular parenting styles and approaches being practiced in this modern age: detached, permissive, authoritarian and authoritative styles.  Despite the modern lifestyle and living, there are actually no new approaches to update the parenthood mechanism.  These four styles still exist today because they speak more of the parent’s life, behaviors and perspective—far away from what the technology offers.

          Just like in traditional times, they remain applicable in our days and in the future:

          1.   Detached – Disconnected parents will grow up neither challenging nor receptive.  Children are treated with carelessness and unawareness of their basic needs: love, discipline and quality time.  Consequently, sons and daughters will develop higher degree of behavioral difficulties including psychological problems compared to children of their age. 

          They don’t feel worthy of their parents’ love and attention.  They always long for warmth hug, touch coming from the people they trust.  Detached parenting style creates a negative impact to innocent children about their importance in the family.  This will carry on as they grow up to be adults.

          2.   Permissive – Lenient mothers and fathers have unmanageable capacity to control their children’s behavior.  There is inconsistency of obeying home rules and regulations.  Children may or may not decide to go after the rules, and the extent is not clear.  What they understand is that they can do whatever behavior they want to.  Rules are vague and formless that’s why children are inconsistent in being disciplined.

          What is permissive parenting?  Permissive parents bring up bad-mannered, destructive, bold, and immature offspring.  They possess insecurity in behavior because they are short of guidelines necessary to direct right behavior.  Role reversals normally occur: children are the ones giving orders and parents just obey them.

          3.   Authoritarian – Parents do implement strict, rigid rules.  Their expectation from children is total obedience without any further questioning.  A child is forced to absorb family principles and practices.  Most of the time, they impose physical retribution and abandonment of love to form the kind of character they want their children to develop.  Parents like these are regarded as strict disciplinarians.

          As a result, sons and daughters become sad, frightened, annoyed and have mood swings.  They also develop low self-esteem, withdrawals, timidity and other poor personality traits.  Because of withdrawn love, they generally become rebellious or threats to the society.

          4.   Authoritative – This is the most effective parenting style that produces autonomous, happy, loving children.  They demonstrate value for the child’s feeling and opinions. They listen and attempt to get their children’s views and discuss them appropriately.  Although parents have the final authority to decide, they still permit some negotiations. 

          The principles of the authoritative parenting style are firm.  They show love and discipline as opposed to being powerful.  They are likely to be demanding and approachable.  They explain certain rules.  Some benefits are deprived if children may disobey, instead of punishing them.

          There will always be modern innovations, improved technology, gadgets and devices that are launched in this generation.  All-time parenting styles are the bases for successful or unsuccessful parenthood.  How your children are shaped and formed to be what they are in the future will depend on what parenting style you’re applying to them now.

          All-Time Parenting Styles: Which One is the Most Effective?  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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          Who's your buddy... who's your pal...

          It took a long time to find Osama Bin Laden,
          far too long most would say.
          It does complicate things though,
          when the guy you're looking for,
          is being helped out by one of your 'allies'.

          Pakistan, the world now knows, was harboring Bin Laden.
          That's a fact, despite on going denials.
          These are our buddies, these are our pals,
          in the so-called War on Terror.

          That's why we spend billions to keep their
          country propped up. Basically a bribe to
          keep them on 'our' side.

          We cut the aid off when they began to play with
          nukes, as shown in the chart below, but then we
          opened the cash vault again right after 9/11,
          and just recently tripled the amount we send.

          Pakistan Aid Chart

          The payoff for billions upon billions sent their way?
          Not only did they hide Bin Laden for years,
          they actually arrested the few Pakistanis
          who helped us find him.

          Local informants who worked with the CIA
          in pinpointing Bin Laden's safe house,
          have been rounded up, one by one,
          in the past few weeks, and are being
          held in Pakistani jails.

          Call us naive, or ignorant of foreign affairs,
          but maybe some of that money
          could be used here at home.

          Aid to Pakistan

          News Link - Pakistan jails Bin Laden informants

          Technology: The Dark Side of Internet for the Children

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          Parents, guardians, or teachers have the responsibility to educate their children regarding the usefulness of the Internet and technology as well as the threats it may give them.  The young should know how to safeguard themselves because certainly there is a dark side of it.

          When using the computer, it is not only school research that they should know about, like a nation’s history and other research topics. Most importantly, children need to be careful on other things involved, such as when chatting and viewing the webcam.  There are strangers who take advantage of the opportunity and wish to meet with them shortly after chatting.  Through the present technology, many innocent are now handed over to the hands of abusers, kidnappers, and killers. 

          What the Internet offers to everyone, not excluding a child, is the readily accessible to adult websites.  They abound in explicit adult materials displayed in images, videos clips and other multi-media devices.  

          So what should be done in order to cope with these technology threats?

          1.   In order to block the possibility of early discovery, parents must discuss with them things that concern about human life.  It may begin with mating, conception, birth to growth.  

          2.   They may explain why there's a need to value their human body, life and privacy.  A human body is to be preserved and protected primarily by the child himself.   With enough knowledge, a young child can do it.

          3.   They should elaborate the dangers of certain viewable materials that exploit those models resulting to harassment and abuse.  Provide quick explanations about the dangers they are exposed to and how these materials can pollute their young minds.

          4.   They can further discuss why parents and adults alone can view them and that why young kids are not allowed.  Protective parents are the ones in authority who can help them get saved from the unlikely problems coming from technology and industry.

          5.   Today, parents can now join their offspring while surfing the Internet using their computers and laptops. They can join them in their own rooms while having fun in cyberspace adventures. There are lots of fun that can be shared together by the members of the family.

          6.   Furthermore, the most popular social networking websites like Facebook, Tweeter, Myspace can be worked together enjoyably by both parties.  They may send texts, tweets, messages and become companions of their son’s and daughter’s on-line computer savvy. 

          Minors undoubtedly are not spared from this global danger brought by the internet. With such fast improving technology, it seems that everything can now be opened and becomes exposed at our fingertips.  In this case, parents should do something to ensure total protection against the dark side of Internet.

          Technology: The Dark Side of Internet on the Children  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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          6 Tips to Promoting Child’s Self-Dependence

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          Child's self-dependence is to be learned at a very young age.  Starting from the stage of infancy, little children understand that they can have the impact on the big world that surrounds them.  Generally, when a baby cries out loud, a parent immediately responds.  When he stretches his one arm then he is supported.  His one contagious smile gives birth to a similar smile.  There are lots of small things that train an infant about life and living.  Autonomy will assist a child to turn out to be a unique human being, entirely different and separated from the others.

          Concerned parents give the importance on how to teach them attain autonomy.  Being a child, autonomy or self-dependence is something that provides the basic needs in order to grow up independently.  This means having the capacity to do something and responds accordingly to the world—a general sensitivity of self-reliance. 

          This process will recommend many ways to motivate children in their every day routine: taking a bath, eating, playing, sleeping, and getting dressed to name a few.  For us, it may look simple when they do these things; however, every achievement will assist them in controlling the more difficult tests they will confront in life soon. 

          You may find these tips practically helpful to stimulate child's self-dependence:

          1.   Children do learn to understand what being competent is if parents don’t miss to supply the necessary opportunities to grow autonomously.

          2.   Parents should feel inwardly if their child is prepared enough for a new responsibility. 

          3.   Keeping the child motivated in attempting to do something long before he or she is prepared is not good.  It only robs the child of the enjoyment of overcoming a difficulty or challenge.

          4.   Being independent makes children addictive.  The greater the responsibility they can cope with, the more they desire to assume.

          5.   The benefit of giving children the responsibility is the ability to view their lives in a succession of great challenges.

          6.   In case you see them is improving well, refrain from helping or doing the task for them.  Young children cannot find any mastery without receiving enough time to progress on what they are working on.

          Autonomy is more than just increasing one’s childhood experiences.  This is a character trait that needs development during the child’s formative years.  It is also the way to achieve self-confidence to do specific tasks and not to rob the time of others for help.  Through the child's self-dependence, he learns to reasonably detach from his parents and to help avoid his reliance to others.

          6 Tips to Promoting Child's Self-Dependence is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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          Computer Games: Good or Bad for Kids

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          During the last ten months, both my two boys have been obsessed with computer games.  They have spent all the time playing their own computers.  Our sons never used to be outgoing and sociable before.  Now, they are engrossed in computers that they rarely talk about anything else.  The phone rings constantly with calls from the new friends who share their interests.  Now we long for the good old days, and we’re anxious about this situation.

          A healthy variety is a plus in anyone’s daily schedule.  Some activities, including those your boys have selected, tend to consume all of the participants’ free time, at least in the early stages when there is much to learn and new challenges to cope with.  If you approve of the new friends they are having, then be glad that a whole new world has opened up to them.

          There are many good things in your two sons’ current pursuits of games and computer. The activity has unique vocabulary and skills.  Games require logical thinking and concentration, and they seem to sustain interest over long periods.  Your children will feel a strong sense of accomplishment as they master these activities.

          It is important for each of your boys to share interests with peers.  Their leisure-time pursuits have led to both new friendships and new skills.  The benefits seem well worth the changes your family is facing. They need many opportunities to explore their interests.  During the exploratory phase, some will discover special talents.  Young people who achieve success often will create in themselves expectations and desires to reach greater heights.  Self-motivation is the key to developing talents or interest, be it in computer or not.

          Some kids participate in an activity for the wrong reasons: they fear parental disapproval if they stop, or they continue only to receive approval.  It is preferable for a child to participate because the activity itself is satisfying.  They should not continue with activities for long periods of time just to measure up to their parent’s expectations.  Some exceptionally talented youngsters lose interest after being pushed too hard, too fast, and for too long. 

          Talent needs to be fostered, not forced.  Children generally take on any new challenge with enthusiasm.  When this enthusiasm is not matched by a sense of accomplishment and competence, the interest will wane.  Losing interest in this way is quite different from giving up at the beginning because it takes work to derive any satisfaction. 

          It is important for parents to show that they value the child’s efforts, regardless of the outcome.  All young kids deserve the opportunity to explore some activities free of report cards and adult pressures.  Regardless of talent levels, all children can be helped to develop their creativity and have fun with leisure-time activities. 

          However, make certain limitations so that your sons won’t be obsessed with computer games.  Set specific number of hours and time periodically.

          Computer Games: Good or Bad for Kids  is  a post on  Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach to Train & Discipline Children

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